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SPS - Blue Nile

Development and practical transfer of a Seamless Prediction System (SPS) for decision support in transboundary water management of the Blue Nile

Project promoter:

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)


09/2022 - 08/2025

Project description:

The Nile and its tributaries are the most important source of water for 400 million people in eleven riparian states. The largest tributary, accounting for about 60 per cent of the total runoff and 75 per cent of the sediment, is the Blue Nile in Ethiopia and Sudan. How much water will the Blue Nile bring to these regions in the future? How can irrigated agriculture and water reservoirs, especially the new Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, be better managed? German, Sudanese and Ethiopian participants in the joint project SPS-Blue Nile want to develop a meteorological-hydrological forecasting system for the transboundary water management of the Blue Nile. The aim is to develop a "seamless" approach with interconnected forecast horizons ranging from days to several months. This is intended to enable a comprehensive, transboundary assessment and derivation of recommendations for action for the interrelated sectors of water, food and energy.




Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert

Dr. Morteza Zargar: Morteza.Zargaruni-potsdamde