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Emergency Phone Numbers

If you are calling from a landline on university premises, please dial “0” before any external telephone number.

Police: 110

  • if you need help from the police because you feel threatened, are in danger or are confronted with a crime that requires police intervention
  • or if you observe others getting into such situations
  • even if you only suspect that such a situation may exist, this is the right number to call
  • Responsible precinct police officers

Fire department and emergency medical services: 112

  • in case of fires or if someone is in an acute, potentially even life-threatening emergency situation

Medical on-call service: 116117

  • when someone needs immediate medical attention, but the situation is not life-threatening and when the normal doctors' offices are closed
  • they can tell you which local on-call practice is open
  • in special emergencies, for example, when someone is too sick to get to a doctor's office, emergency services can send an on-call doctor to their home
  • 116117 is the number to call, e.g. for non-life-threatening illnesses

Poison emergency hotline of the Charité University Hospital Berlin: 030-19240

  • Did you drink flower water or dishwater? Or did you eat an unfamiliar mushroom? Did you break a mercury thermometer in your office or lab? If you are worried about exposure to poison or need information in advance, for example about poisonous plants, you can call the poison emergency hotlines.
  • In case of life-threatening poisoning, please dial 112 right away.

Ernst von Bergmann Hospital: 

Radiation accident: 030 450 550 461 

  • Clinic for Nuclear Medicine Steglitz Benjamin Franklin CC 6: Diagnostic and Intervention Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Durchgangsarzt (physician working as an accident insurance consultant) close to you:

  • Link to search for a Durchgangsarzt near you
  • In the case of accidents at work or on the way to or from work, it is absolutely necessary to see a Durchgangsarzt to have the accident recognized by the Unfallkasse Brandenburg (Brandenburg Accident Insurance Fund).
  • This applies to employees as well as students.

Technical Control Center of the University of Potsdam: 0331 977-2010

  • general matters such as the unlocking of seminar rooms, as well as in case of failure of ventilation systems or other disruptions of building installations

General information on buildings: 

  • link to building information (only accessible via the Intranet/university VPN!)
  • information about first aiders, fire protection assistants, janitors and further information about the buildings

Am Neuen Palais campus:

Golm campus:

Griebnitzsee campus:

Rehbrücke location:

Occupational Safety Unit (occupational health and safety) at the University of Potsdam