Forms & Documents: Examinations
Non-Binding Exams
For the registration of a non-binding exam please proceed via PULS (Anträge stellen).
Equality Measures
- Application for equality measures (PDF 993KB)
due to pregnancy, care-giving and nursing obligations, disability / chronic illness, Membership in the national squad of a National Sports Federation in the German Olympic Sports Confederation
Organization of Examinations
- Approval and course completion certificate (PDF 11KB)
for the additional subject / BSK module (occupational key competences) in the B.Sc. in Mathematik (only in German)
- Approval and course completion certificate (PDF 11KB)
for the additional subject in the M.Sc. in Mathematik (only in German)
Maternity Protection
Inability to Take an Examination
Assignment of a topic for the final thesis - Bachelor & Master
For the assignment of a topic for the final thesis please proceed via PULS (Anträge stellen). The University also provides further information on the assignment of the topic for your final thesis.
Degree Completion
- Results of the oral defense / final colloquium (PDF 953KB)
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