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Junior Studies Program

Bild von Anna Padyukova

Anna Padyukova, Junior Studies Program participant from 2023 - 2024

„If you're curious and somewhat uncertain about your choice of study, then the Junior Studies Program is perfect for you. Through this program, I was able to get a clearer picture of my future course of study. I also got accustomed to the large lecture halls and the teaching style at univerity level. I'm really looking forward to my future university experience and am very grateful that the Junior Studies Program has prepared me excellently for it.“

What is the Junior Studies Program?

Do you feel like your classes at school don’t demand enough of you?  Are you looking for new challenges? Would you like to participate in courses at the University of Potsdam while still in high school, learn about scientific methods and ways of working in specific subjects, and promote your personal talents in a targeted way?

If so, our Junior Studies Program is just the thing for you. Within the framework of the Junior Studies Program, high school students have the opportunity to take part in university courses while still in school and to earn credit points that can also be recognized for subsequent university studies.

How do I become a junior student?

You can only join the Junior Studies Program in the winter semester. The application process is in two stages.

Stage 1

In the first stage, we want to find out what motivates you to become a junior student. You also need an expert evaluation from a school teacher who knows you from class and teaches a subject related to your desired junior studies discipline. Even before the submission of your application, your contact person for the Junior Studies Program will be happy to discuss any questions you might have about the application process, including the matter of finding suitable degree programs for you.

In addition, we need permission from your parents and your school. Please submit the following documents via e-mail to the Central Student Advisory Service at the University of Potsdam between May 1 and May 31:

  • An evaluation and assessment from the school administration, as well as from a teacher in the relevant subject, regarding the student's suitability for the Junior Studies Program.
  • A permission form signed by your parents (only for applicants under 16 years of age).
  • A copy of your school report cards from the past two semesters.
  • A letter of motivation for your participation in the Junior Studies Program (max. 1 page in the standard A4 format).
Bild von Anna Padyukova

Anna Padyukova, Junior Studies Program participant from 2023 - 2024

„If you're curious and somewhat uncertain about your choice of study, then the Junior Studies Program is perfect for you. Through this program, I was able to get a clearer picture of my future course of study. I also got accustomed to the large lecture halls and the teaching style at univerity level. I'm really looking forward to my future university experience and am very grateful that the Junior Studies Program has prepared me excellently for it.“

Stage 2

If the submitted documents demonstrate an applicant’s above-average performance at school and a high motivation, they will be invited to participate in the second stage of the process. This stage consists of an informal interview between the applicant and the coordinator of the Central Student Advisory Service.

If the University of Potsdam and your school agree that you are a good fit, you will be admitted to the Junior Studies Program at the University of Potsdam.

Application procedure for the Junior Studies Program
May 1 - May 31Application period (stage 1)
June 15 - September 15Informal selection interviews (stage 2)
September 15 - September 30Selecting your course(s) and concluding a study agreement
Beginning of OctoberWelcome event with your tutors
Mid OctoberBeginning of the instructional period
December 15 - January 15Feedback meetings on your progress in the Junior Studies Program
End of FebruaryEnd of the instructional period
MarchFarewell event with presentation of the certificates
JuneCentral Graduation Ceremony of the University of Potsdam


Central Student Advisory Service


Am Neuen Palais Campus
Building 08, Room 0.16