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Bioturbational Signal Distortion of Paleoceanographic Time Series (DFG)

PI Martin H. Trauth

Bioturbation (or benthic mixing) causes significant distortions in marine stable isotope signals and other palaeoceanographic records. Although the influence of bioturbation on these records is well known it has rarely been dealt systematically. This project in modeling, quantifying and deconvolving bioturbation in deep-sea sediments.


Trauth, M.H. (2013)[nbsp]TURBO2: A MATLAB simulation to study the effects of bioturbation on paleoceanographic time series. Computers and Geosciences, 61, 1-10.

Trauth, M.H. (1998) Noise removal from duplicate paleoceanographic time-series: The use of adaptive filtering techniques. Mathematical Geology, 30(5), 557-574.

Trauth, M.H. (1998) TURBO: a dynamic-probabilistic simulation to study the effects of bioturbation on paleoceanographic time series. Computers and Geosciences, 24(5), 433-441.

Trauth, M.H., Sarnthein, M., Arnold, M. (1997) Bioturbational mixing depth and carbon flux at the seafloor. Paleoceanography, 12, 517-526.



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