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We traditionally start the winter semester with two events. On October 16th, we welcome all first-year students at "StudiUP!" in the Nikolaisaal. On October 19th, we invite all students to "WarmUP!" at the Schiffbauergasse location. There, university groups, central institutions of the university and associations from the city will introduce themselves. You can already get to know some of them at the digital market of opportunities.
Here you can find the program for WarmUP! Please check back often, the page will be edited and updated regularly.

Here you will find the program for WarmUP! Please check back often, the page will be edited and updated regularly. Many things will take place in parallel, so you will be spoiled for choice.

Ein Flur mit Kunstwerken an den Wänden
Photo: museum FLUXUS+

Guided Tour at the Museum

4.30 pm | museum FLUXUS+

When you're in Schiffbauergasse, be sure to pay a visit to the museum FLUXUS+. The collection includes works by Wolf Vostell, Emmett Williams, Ben Patterson, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Mary Bauermeister and Niki de Saint-Phalle. On WarmUP day, museum FLUXUS + invites you to a free guided tour at 4.30 pm. To register, simply send an email to infofluxus-plusde (subject "WarmUP! guided tour").
But even without a guided tour you can visit the museum for free on October 19 until 6 pm. Just show your student ID.

Ein Flur mit Kunstwerken an den Wänden
Photo: museum FLUXUS+
WarmUP Markt der Möglichkeiten
Photo: Karla Fritze

Market of Possibilities

6-10 pm | Waschhaus Forecourt

Various university groups, student councils and associations from Potsdam will be presenting themselves at the market stalls. There are numerous activities to participate in and try out: Karaoke, giant Jenga, wheel of fortune and quiz games, you can write poems or just enjoy the atmosphere with freshly made popcorn, waffles or punch. The Studentenwerk (student union) will also be there with its food truck, and the Waschhaus foodtruck will once again be offering delicious things from the grill.

WarmUP Markt der Möglichkeiten
Photo: Karla Fritze
Zeichnungen und Fotos an einer Metallwand, davor eine Skulptur
Photo: FachschaftsART

FachschaftsART - Art Workshop

6-10 pm | Open Air Stage

At the booth of the FachschaftsART, short for the Student Council for Art and Art Education, art becomes a very personal experience. Here you can not only admire student works from the last semesters - no, here you also have the opportunity to create your own works of art under the guidance of our students. We are looking forward to open-minded visitors who want to do more than just watch.

Zeichnungen und Fotos an einer Metallwand, davor eine Skulptur
Photo: FachschaftsART
Foto drum klub
Photo: U. Jung

drum klub

6 + 8 pm | Waschhaus Kesselhaus

Attending "WarmUP"! again this year, but already at home in the Waschhaus for a long time: the drum klub. Drums and sticks are ready and waiting to be used by the guests. N.U. Unruh (Einstürzende Neubauten) and Lars Neugebauer are the initiators of the spectacle. At the special drum installations you can try out and let off steam. In addition, there are electric beats and sounds that combine with the sounds produced by muscle power. The adrenaline rushes produced in the process are tremendous - there is laughter, drumming and dancing with happiness. An impressive and exhilarating acoustic and physical communal experience.

Foto drum klub
Photo: U. Jung
Photo: Karla Fritze

SemesterKick-Off Party "Studi Royal"

10 pm | Waschhaus Arena

At the legendary semester kick-off party "Studi Royal" you can dance until the early morning hours.

Box office: 10,-€/ reduced 8,-€ (students + trainees)

Photo: Karla Fritze


The first week of lectures is drawing to a close. If you haven't completely spent your energy at StudiRoyal, you should take a look at what's on offer on "Culture (Fri)Day". Some of the city's cultural institutions will open their doors to you free of charge or give you free tickets. So let the week end on a cultural note.

Kinosaal mit dunkelblauen Sitzen, einem dunkelblauen Vorhang und in der Ecke eine Kinoorgel
Photo: Filmmuseum Potsdam

Film Museum Potsdam

Free admission on 20.10. for (first semester) students

The Filmmuseum Potsdam, an institute of the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, preserves, presents and communicates Babelsberg's film history.
In the permanent exhibition TRAUMFABRIK - 100 YEARS OF FILM IN BABELSBERG, visitors experience how films are made from the script to the premiere. Temporary and foyer exhibitions as well as the "Object of the Month" take up various film themes.
The collections of the Film Museum preserve bequests, films, costumes, over one million photos, set design drafts, props, film posters, historical film cameras and technology, and much more.

The Filmmuseum Potsdam is offering free admission to all (first-year) students on Oct. 20, 2023. Just show your student ID at the Filmmuseum's ticket office.

Opening hours: Daily except Mondays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Address: Breite Straße 1A, 14467 Potsdam.


Kinosaal mit dunkelblauen Sitzen, einem dunkelblauen Vorhang und in der Ecke eine Kinoorgel
Photo: Filmmuseum Potsdam
Blick in einen Konzertsaal mit hellen Wänden und dunkel gepolsterten Sitzen
Photo: Stefan Müller

Guided Tour

4.30 pm | Nikolaisaal Potsdam

After the first semester welcome took place there on October 16th, the Nikolaisaal Potsdam invites you behind the scenes. Discover Potsdam's most interesting concert hall and experience the preparations for a concert! On a guided tour of the Nikolaisaal, you will not only experience a building steeped in history, but also gain a direct insight into the preparations for the concert that evening. Please register for the guided tour under the keyword "Nikolaisaal" to juliane.thiemuni-potsdamde.

Blick in einen Konzertsaal mit hellen Wänden und dunkel gepolsterten Sitzen
Photo: Stefan Müller
Zwei Personen schauen sich ein Gemälde in einer Ausstellung an
Photo: Henry Freitag

Masterpieces in the Museum Barberini

Museum visit

The Museum Barberini is located in the heart of Potsdam. 38 works by Claude Monet - more than any other museum in Europe outside France - are just one highlight of the 111 Impressionist masterpieces in the collection. In addition, the museum presents up to three exhibitions a year and a diverse program of events and education. In 2024, Edvard Munch, Amedeo Modigliani and Maurice de Vlaminck will be in the spotlight.

The Museum Barberini gives all (first semester) students free admission on 20.10.2023 in the time of 16-19 clock. Just show your student ID at the box office.


Opening Hours: Daily except Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Address: Humboldtstraße 5-6, 14467 Potsdam.

Zwei Personen schauen sich ein Gemälde in einer Ausstellung an
Photo: Henry Freitag
Person kniet vorübergebeugt auf Rasen
Photo: Jonas Zeidler

If The Bull Won’t Come

Dance / Performance | fabrik Potsdam

The dance solo by Adi Weinberg is the story of a woman in transition. Brought out of her everyday life, she is propelled into an encounter she did not expect: the encounter with herself. Through contact with the different parts of her self, she experiences the different elements that live harmoniously, destructively, and chaotically within her. The woman's journey mirrors that of another. Pasiphae was cursed twice: first because she fell in love with a bull and had to consummate that love, and then because she was cursed to live in the isolation of the labyrinth with her unnatural son, the Minotaur. But curses, like stories, have a second side. All of them have a blessing, if you just hang in there long enough. If The Bull Won't Come is a compelling, powerful and moving story about the encounters in one woman's life.

The fabrik Potsdam is donating free tickets for the performance on October, 20th. You can get the tickets here: The rate is "Culture Friday" and the password is WARM-UP.

Opening hours: depends on workshop and event schedule
Address: Schiffbauergasse 10, 14467 Potsdam

Person kniet vorübergebeugt auf Rasen
Photo: Jonas Zeidler
Grüne Wand mit Variante der Mona Lisa
Photo: Ladislav Zajac
Installationsansicht der Ausstellung I’ve Seen the Wall: Louis Armstrong auf Tour in der DDR 1965, DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam 2023. Sammlung Hasso Plattner © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023; Courtesy of the Louis Armstrong House Museum

Culture(Fri)Day at MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam

Museum visit

The former terrace restaurant "Minsk", built in the 1970s in the modernist style of the GDR, is once again becoming a place for encounters - between modern and contemporary art and between people. Here, works of art from the former GDR that are part of the Hasso Plattner Collection will be shown in new contexts.

The exhibition I've Seen the Wall: Louis Armstrong on Tour in the GDR 1965, which runs through February 4, focuses on the legendary concert tour that Louis Armstrong led through the GDR in 1965. Bringing together contemporary art, the group exhibition takes the tour as the occasion for a thematic exploration of music and society.   

As part of Culture(Fri)Day, admission is free for students on October 20, 2023 from 4-7pm.

Web: | Instagram:

Opening hours: Daily except Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Address: Max-Planck-Strasse 17, 14473 Potsdam.

Grüne Wand mit Variante der Mona Lisa
Photo: Ladislav Zajac
Installationsansicht der Ausstellung I’ve Seen the Wall: Louis Armstrong auf Tour in der DDR 1965, DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam 2023. Sammlung Hasso Plattner © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023; Courtesy of the Louis Armstrong House Museum

Offers beyond the WarmUP week

We still have two offers beyond the WarmUP! week: the Potsdam Museum and the museum Fluxus give free admission to (first semester) students in the winter semester. So take a look!

Ein Flur mit Kunstwerken an den Wänden
Photo: museum FLUXUS+

Museums FLUXUS+

When you're at Schiffbauergasse, be sure to pay a visit to the museum FLUXUS+. In addition to Wolf Vostell, the collection includes works by Emmett Williams, Ben Patterson, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Mary Bauermeister, and Niki de Saint-Phalle.

All first-year students receive free admission upon presentation of their student ID until March 31, 2024.


Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 1 p.m.-6 p.m.
Address: Max-Planck-Strasse 17, 14473 Potsdam.

Ein Flur mit Kunstwerken an den Wänden
Photo: museum FLUXUS+
Platz mit historischen Gebäuden und Menschengruppen
Photo: Potsdam Museum

Potsdam Museum

At the historic Alter Markt, the oldest house in the square houses the modern Potsdam Museum. With free admission, the permanent exhibition "Potsdam. A city makes history" vividly recounts 1000 years of city history(s). Various special exhibitions explore individual topics in greater depth: In "Potsdamer Linien. GDR Everyday Photography by Werner Taag" (until Jan. 28, 24), visitors travel back in time through Potsdam from 1949 to 1989. "More of it! We collect art" (21.10.23-28.01.24) shows art by mostly regional artists - all favorite works of private collectors. Other exhibitions are dedicated to the gardener and perennial grower Karl Foerster (from 09.03.24) and the impressionist Karl Hagemeister (from 23.03.24).

All freshmen receive free admission to the special exhibitions until 31.03.2024 upon presentation of their university ID!


Opening hours: Daily except Mondays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Address: Am Alten Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam.

Platz mit historischen Gebäuden und Menschengruppen
Photo: Potsdam Museum