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Workstations and Technical Support

The Center for Information Technology and Media Management (ZIM) at the University of Potsdam goes to great lengths to create equal opportunities for students with health impairments/chronic conditions. There are special study rooms with workstations at all three university campuses. They undergo regular checks and are updated by the employees to offer the latest state of technology.

Below you will find information on the equipment in the study rooms at our campuses.

Griebnitzsee Campus

At Griebnitzsee campus, you have access to a separate study room ( with three computer workstations at the ZIM. One of the PCs has a refreshable braille display, voice output, and screen magnification software. You can use the study room for individual work. If you are interested in using the room, please contact the employees in charge.

Jeanette Stallschus
Phone: 0331 977-3581
E-Mail: zim-serviceuni-potsdamde

Am Neuen Palais Campus

At Am Neuen Palais campus, you can also use a separate study room ( with one computer workstation. The room is located in close proximity to the office of the Commissioner for Students with a Disability. He is also responsible for coordinating the usage of the room.

Am Neuen Palais
Gabriele Grabsch
Phone: 0331 977-1820
E-Mail: zim-serviceuni-potsdamde

Ms. Grabsch would also be happy to receive any feedback or information on the accessible design of our website.

Golm Campus

The ZIM at Golm campus also has a special study room ( The workstation in it is equipped with screen magnification software. If you are interested in using the room, please contact the ZIM employee in charge.

Jana Golinowski-Reichenberg
Phone: 0331 977-2418
E-Mail: zim-serviceuni-potsdamde

Technical Support

In addition to the available study rooms, you can also borrow technical equipment with special software at the ZIM. The following devices or software are currently available:


  • DELL Latitude 5510 with the following software: Windows 10, MS Office, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Libre Office, Antivirus software, Firefox

Mobile Braille display (40)

Available software licenses:

  • ABBY Finereader PDF 15 for Windows
  • Vocalizer speech synthesizer for NVDA
  • ClaroRead Premium - Writing, reading and scan support

Hearing system - Phonak model

  • with 5 receivers each - Roger MyLink - and
  • with 1 microphone (for speaker) each - Roger inspiro and 
  • two additional microphones - Roger DynaMic

The devices are compatible with hearing aids (t-coil).