Cryptic faults have concerned earthquake scientists because of their unexpected presence and hidden seismic potential. Dr. Julius Jara-Muñoz and co-authors
How did climate influence the development of the first humans? These and other questions will be addressed by Martin Trauth and his colleagues during the talks in May 2022
Leibniz-Preisträger Prof. Manfred Strecker Ph.D. wurde die erste Seniorprofessur der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten erhielt das Bundesverdienstkreuz Erster Klasse für seine langjährigen Verdienste um den Ausbau der deutsch-russischen wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit...
The Commission for the Designation of National Geoparks in Germany, a commission of GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Foundation, accredited ‘Geopark Sachsens Mitte’ – Central Saxony Geopark – as the 18th...
Die Kinder-Uni der Universität Potsdam wird auch 2021 vor allem online stattfinden: Schülerinnen und Schüler von Grundschulen aus ganz Brandenburg können sich am 24. September ein ...
In recent decades, runoff or sediment input to rivers in the high mountains of Asia has increased sharply and will more than double by 2050. This is shown by an international study ...
Lydia Olaka who received her doctorate from University of Potsdam, now is Professor at the Technical University of Kenya in Nairobi, welcomes Chancellor Scholz and Kenyan President more
Gerold Zeilinger wants to use augmented reality to facilitate decisions in landscape planning. Many people cannot imagine complex objects in space when they see them on a flat plan or map. ...
Dr. Constanza Rodriguez Piceda (former PhD student of StRATEGy Graduate School) along with colleagues from UP and GFZ studied geological, seismological, and geodetic data to better understand....
Hoher Druck begegnet uns im Leben, wenn wir einen Rennradreifen aufpumpen oder beim Tauchen in große Wassertiefen. Sehr hoher Druck entsteht, wenn ein Elefant Stilettos mit Pfennigabsätzen trüge...
Alumna Debby Schmidt über seltene Erden und die Chancen des Bioleaching - Ob für Smartphones oder Elektroautos – modernste Technologien sind oft auf einen raren Rohstoff angewiesen: Seltene Erden...
PhD student presents a poster at the EGU entitled: Variability of the shortening rate in Central Andes controlled by subduction dynamics and interaction between slab and overriding plate
Her poster "FID GEO: Promoting Open Science for Geosciences (Lorenz, M.; Elger, K.; Achterberg, I.; Meistring, M.; Pfurr, N.; Semmler, M.)" wins award by EGU 2022
The scientist will be honored for her achievement in stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology. The award ceremony will take place during the EGU Gener
Interdisciplinary research in southern Ethiopia enabled the deciphering of eastern Africa’s climatic heartbeat and shows how key phases of climate change i
Einen Anstoß für eine umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Gewinnung von Seltenen Erden möchte Debby Schmidt mit ihrer Masterarbeit geben, für die sie am 1. September mit dem Better World Award UP ...
The climate time series from the Chew Bahir Basin in southern Ethiopia shows one of the best examples of climate tipping, the transition from one stable condition to another.
A new study has identified warm waters originating from the Mediterranean Sea as an unexpected but potent pacemaker of high-latitude warming and might even accelerate it in the near future.
Prof. (apl.) Dr. Altenberger is on July 30th scientific guest and discussion partner of the Berlin Science City summer cinema "Jules Verne (1864) Journey to the center of the earth" (Geo-Fantasy 1959)
People from all over the world travel through Iceland to see glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, geysers - but the true highlights are hidden from the eye.
Int. researchers led by Dr Kaboth-Bahr found out: Ancient El Niño-like weather patterns define environmental change in sub-Saharan Africa during a critical time for the evolution of our species
Die Projektideen „Klassifizierung von Georadardaten zur automatisierten Zustandserfassung von Bahntrassen“ und „Visualisierung von Landschaftsveränderungen mittels AR in realer Umgebung“ überzeugten.
An international team of scientists with participation of Dr. Maria Kokh from the University of Potsdam was able to elucidate the mystery of ‘invisible’ gold enriched in sulfide minerals.
Geoethics - Integrity and Ethics in Science in Higher Education - A keynote lecture by John Geissmann, Professor of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas - recorded on Monday, January 4,