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Sedimentary sequences and sampling in the Pichilemu area (Chile)

The hidden danger of cryptic faults

Cryptic faults have concerned earthquake scientists because of their unexpected presence and hidden seismic potential. Dr. Julius Jara-Muñoz and co-authors

Geo- und Bioforschung Hand in Hand

Zu Biodiversität, Tektonik und Klimawandel im Ostafrikanischen Grabenbruch

Leibnizkolleg: Titel des Einführungsvortrages vor Sonnenabbildung

Leibniz Kolleg Potsdam: apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Trauth gives introductory presentation

How did climate influence the development of the first humans? These and other questions will be addressed by Martin Trauth and his colleagues during the talks in May 2022

Potsdam Day of Science 2022

Potsdam Day of Science 2022

What is the significance of ore deposits in the age of digitization? How can we use drones to record and evaluate ...

Foto Prof. M. Strecker

Seniorprofessur an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Leibniz-Preisträger Prof. Manfred Strecker Ph.D. wurde die erste Seniorprofessur der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam

molecular dynamics simulation

Platinum hitches a ride with sulfur in the Earth’s crust

Platinum group elements (PGE, also termed platinoids) have been believed to be extremely poorly soluble and little mobile in natural fluids ...

Bundesverdienstkreuz für langjährig gemeinsam berufenen Professor

Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten erhielt das Bundesverdienstkreuz Erster Klasse für seine langjährigen Verdienste um den Ausbau der deutsch-russischen wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit...

Kurze Pause und Datenaufnahme in der argentinischen Puna, dem zweithöchsten Gebirgsplateau der Erde und Untersuchungsgebiet des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „StRATEGy“.

Unterwegs in den Anden – Geoforschende auf Exkursion in Argentinien

Ende November 2021 begeben sich Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden des internationalen Graduiertenkollegs „StRATEGy“...

Book cover "MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences"

New Textbook on Data Acquisition in Geosciences

Martin H. Trauth from the Institute of Geosciences has published his third textbook on data analysis in the geosciences with SpringerNature...

Porphyry fan of Mohorn-Grund

GeoUnion proclaims a new National Geopark in Germany

The Commission for the Designation of National Geoparks in Germany, a commission of GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Foundation, accredited ‘Geopark Sachsens Mitte’ – Central Saxony Geopark – as the 18th...

Kinderuni 2021

Dreimal Kinder-Universität – Wissenschaft trifft Schule online, digital und unterwegs

Die Kinder-Uni der Universität Potsdam wird auch 2021 vor allem online stattfinden: Schülerinnen und Schüler von Grundschulen aus ganz Brandenburg können sich am 24. September ein ...

A tributary in the Western Himalaya in the state of Uttarakhand, India.

Climate change increases sediment flux in Asian high mountain regions

In recent decades, runoff or sediment input to rivers in the high mountains of Asia has increased sharply and will more than double by 2050. This is shown by an international study ...

Online Summer School "Trends, Rhythms and Events in the Earth’s Climate System"

Reise durch das Weltklima am Computer

Online Summer School "Trends, Rhythms and Events in the Earth’s Climate System"

Pupils and teacher in classroom

More earth system knowledge in school!

GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung und DVGeo claim: Earth science content should be given a higher priority in school more

On-site in Kenya: Prof. Olaka explains Geology and Geo-Resources

Geothermal Power Plant: Prof. Olaka together with Chancellor Scholz on-site in Kenya

Lydia Olaka who received her doctorate from University of Potsdam, now is Professor at the Technical University of Kenya in Nairobi, welcomes Chancellor Scholz and Kenyan President more

Geowissenschaftler Dr. Gerold Zeilinger mit AR-Brille

With the AR glasses to a better view

Gerold Zeilinger wants to use augmented reality to facilitate decisions in landscape planning. Many people cannot imagine complex objects in space when they see them on a flat plan or map. ...

graphical representation

New Insights into Deep Earthquakes in the Central Andes

Dr. Constanza Rodriguez Piceda (former PhD student of StRATEGy Graduate School) along with colleagues from UP and GFZ studied geological, seismological, and geodetic data to better understand....

Ausschnitt aus Video Vortrag "Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia" Thema: Minerale unter Hochdruck

Minerale unter Hochdruck - eine Reise ins Erdinnere - Vortrag in der Reihe "Brötchen und Borussia"

Hoher Druck begegnet uns im Leben, wenn wir einen Rennradreifen aufpumpen oder beim Tauchen in große Wassertiefen. Sehr hoher Druck entsteht, wenn ein Elefant Stilettos mit Pfennigabsätzen trüge...

Nachhaltige Technologien nachhaltiger machen

Alumna Debby Schmidt über seltene Erden und die Chancen des Bioleaching - Ob für Smartphones oder Elektroautos – modernste Technologien sind oft auf einen raren Rohstoff angewiesen: Seltene Erden...

Michaël Pons receives Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award 2022

PhD student presents a poster at the EGU entitled: Variability of the shortening rate in Central Andes controlled by subduction dynamics and interaction between slab and overriding plate

Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Melanie Lorenz

Her poster "FID GEO: Promoting Open Science for Geosciences (Lorenz, M.; Elger, K.; Achterberg, I.; Meistring, M.; Pfurr, N.; Semmler, M.)" wins award by EGU 2022

Frank Scherbaum and Caroline Bithell are holding their honorary doctorate certificate in their hands

Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr. Frank Scherbaum

This high honour recognizes the Institute´s former chair holder and his research in the field of ethnomusicology....

Kaboth-Bahr during fieldwork

Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr wins the 2023 Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award of the EGU SSP Division

The scientist will be honored for her achievement in stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology. The award ceremony will take place during the EGU Gener

Bohrlokalität und Lager im Chew-Bahir-Becken in Südäthiopien.

Key phases of human evolution coincide with flickers in eastern Africa’s climate

Interdisciplinary research in southern Ethiopia enabled the deciphering of eastern Africa’s climatic heartbeat and shows how key phases of climate change i

Cover: Python Recipes for Earth Sciences – First Edition

New textbook on data analysis in the geosciences with Python

Martin H. Trauth of the Institute of Geosciences has published his fifth textbook on data analysis in the geosciences with SpringerNature-Verlag. ...

Across Mountains and Valleys

Prof. Peter van der Beek researches the driving forces behind mountain formation

Better World Award UP 2022 geht an die Geo- und Biowissenschaftlerin Debby Schmidt

Einen Anstoß für eine umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Gewinnung von Seltenen Erden möchte Debby Schmidt mit ihrer Masterarbeit geben, für die sie am 1. September mit dem Better World Award UP ...

Photo of Prof. Dr. Sobolev

Prof. Sobolev newly elected to the prestigious Academia Europaea

Stephan Sobolev is called into the Academia based on his sustained academic excellence in his field.

Climate time series from the Chew Bahir Basin in southern Ethiopia

Tipping climate in Eastern Africa: New publication in Nature Geoscience

The climate time series from the Chew Bahir Basin in southern Ethiopia shows one of the best examples of climate tipping, the transition from one stable condition to another.

With progressing global warming, sea ice melting across the Arctic Ocean is expected to further increase and might be even accelerated by the newly described oceanic heat-channel that pumps heat into the high northern latitudes. | copyright: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, University of Potsdam

How the Mediterranean Sea heats up the far north – Study shows climatic correlations

A new study has identified warm waters originating from the Mediterranean Sea as an unexpected but potent pacemaker of high-latitude warming and might even accelerate it in the near future.

Zwei Potsdamer Forschende Two Potsdam researchers are involved in the new international Center for Molecular Water Science, which has now publishsind am neuen internationalen Zentrum für Molekulare Wasserforschung beteiligt, das nun sein Forschungsprogramm veröffentlicht hat. Foto: AdobeStock/magann

Secrets of the Water – White Paper of the Centre for Molecular Water Science published

Two Potsdam researchers are involved in the new international Center for Molecular Water Science, which has now published its research program.

Höhle auf Island


Prof. (apl.) Dr. Altenberger is on July 30th scientific guest and discussion partner of the Berlin Science City summer cinema "Jules Verne (1864) Journey to the center of the earth" (Geo-Fantasy 1959)

Daniel Vollmer, instaling a multi-sensor observatory in Iceland.

Fire and Ice – why Eva Eibl does research in Iceland in the mid of winter

People from all over the world travel through Iceland to see glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, geysers - but the true highlights are hidden from the eye.

Jonathan Weiss while monitoring GPS-Ground Motion sensors in the Andean Highlands. Photo: J. Weiss.

From GPS to geodynamics - how surface measurements help understand earthquakes and Earth structure

While there are some well-established theories of orogenesis, many aspects of how, when and why mountain ranges are created remain a mystery.

Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli (3.v.l.) does his research at the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland

Seen from the root of mountains

Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli links plate tectonics and the carbon cycle

Kenia 2018

Geoscientific research of highest international standards

EGU honours two faculty members of the Institute of Geosciences

The Olorgesailie Basin in the Kenya Rift Valley, part of the Eastern Branch of the East African Rift System. In the background the high topography of the Rift’s border faults.


Why a whole region is rotating in the middle of Africa

Wissenschaftliche Bohrungen im Chew-Bahir-Becken im südlichen Äthiopie

Newly discovered African ‘climate seesaw’ drove human evolution

Int. researchers led by Dr Kaboth-Bahr found out: Ancient El Niño-like weather patterns define environmental change in sub-Saharan Africa during a critical time for the evolution of our species

Konjugierte Abschiebungen in nahezu idealer Ausrichtung zur Dehnung bilden einen kleinen Graben in miozänen Sediment-Schichten, die Erosionsprodukte aus dem Elburs-Gebirge sind.

Album der festen Erde

Datenbank „DIoGeneS“ zu geologischen Strukturen am Institut für Geowissenschaften öffentlich zugänglich

Überblendung beider Themenbilder

Moderne Auswerteverfahren und AR-Visualisierungen werden gefördert

Die Projektideen „Klassifizierung von Georadardaten zur automatisierten Zustandserfassung von Bahntrassen“ und „Visualisierung von Landschaftsveränderungen mittels AR in realer Umgebung“ überzeugten.

Glacial Ice holds rocks and gravel – if glaciers melt, large amount of loose gravel gets accumulated in the high mountainous valleys of the Alps

Increased Risk of landslides

Earth science researchers from Potsdam and Bozen demand for new precaution strategies for gravitational mass movements in the Alps

Representation of atomic clusters formed by gold, arsenic and sulfur in arsenian pyrite

A mineral pump for gold in the Earth’s crust

An international team of scientists with participation of Dr. Maria Kokh from the University of Potsdam was able to elucidate the mystery of ‘invisible’ gold enriched in sulfide minerals.

Titelbild des Vortrags

Geoethics - Integrity and Ethics in Science in Higher Education

Geoethics - Integrity and Ethics in Science in Higher Education - A keynote lecture by John Geissmann, Professor of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas - recorded on Monday, January 4,

Peter van der Beek explains how ³HE and ⁴HE are separated and measured independently.

Looking at smallest atoms to understand large-scale Mountain ranges

A welcome to Peter van der Beek at the Institute of Geosciences