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Book Review May 2023

An hourglass stands on an open laptop.
Picture: utb

Time Management and Self-Organisation
in Academia:
Developing a self-directed and balanced life



Riedenauer, Mark und Tschirf, Andrea
2021, utb, 239 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8385-5703-8
Available as an e-book via the OPAC of the University Library.


Finding a good balance between studies and everyday life is often not easy. You might encounter problems such as being overwhelmed or lacking motivation, whether you´re just starting out with your studies or have been studying for a longer time.

In this book, Riedenauer and Tschirf explain how to avoid these problems, to lead a more self-directed and stress-free life in academia. Using numerous examples, models and methods, they explain the prerequisites for self-development in academia and give applicable tips and advice.

By addressing both academic and individual challenges, the book deals holistically with how both parts can be balanced to be more fulfilled while studying.

What stands out are the practical exercises for the individual chapters. New knowledge can directly be established and applied. This way, you can learn new helpful strategies and get to know yourself better while reading. The authors address various topics. In addition to individual and institutional challenges, the book also deals with managing personal energy, effective planning and evaluation methods, order, and time management for the main fields of academic activity, among other topics.

The book is suitable for all students who want to improve their "study-life balance". Whether at the beginning of your studies or in the middle, you are guaranteed to learn something new and take a big step towards a more balanced and organised life.

Reviewed by Milena Heyelmann, May 2023

An hourglass stands on an open laptop.
Picture: utb