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Master's Degree Application via University Admissions Portal

Studienangebot Master Sommersemester 2023 Coverbild

Available Programs of Study – Master (PDF)

Catalog for all programs of study leading to a master’s degree currently available at the University of Potsdam. It includes important information regarding application, admission, and registration.

We are pleased that you have decided to pursue a master's degree at the University of Potsdam!

If you apply for a master's degree program, we will review whether your professional qualifications fulfill the requirements for master's studies in your chosen program. An application must be submitted for consecutive master's degree programs, regardless of whether they are with or without admission restrictions.

In our course catalogue you can check if your desired master’s program is admission-restricted.  Please note that you can apply for some degree programs only either for the summer or the winter semester. Please review the course catalogue to see whether it is possible to submit an application for a first semester in your desired master’s program for the winter and/or summer.

1. Application periods

The application period for admission into the first and an advanced semester to the winter semester 2024/2025 starts on April 2, 2024.

The application period for admission into the first and an advanced semester to the summer semester starts on November 1.

The application deadline for the different master’s degree programs varies and depends on the current admission status.

For consecutive master’s degree programs not related to teacher training with admission restrictions (with NC), the application deadline is June 1 for the winter semester and December 1 for the summer semester.

For consecutive master’s degree programs not related to teacher training without admission restrictions (no NC), the application deadline is August 15 for the winter semester and February 15 for the summer semester.

For an overview of the current application deadlines for your desired master’s degree program, please visit the website Application Master.

2. Application via the Admissions Portal

Step 1: Registration

Step 2: Online application

Step 3: Application status

Assuming that you are able to provide all the information and have the required documents on hand, an online application takes an average of 20 minutes.

Please note that only complete applications can be submitted and processed. You must have entered all mandatory information and uploaded all required documents before you can submit your application electronically.

Please do not send any documents by mail or e-mail to the University of Potsdam. Documents sent to us by mail, fax and/or e-mail will not be processed.

Picture online application portal and integrated link to online application portal

Online Portal | University Admissions Portal

Via the University Admissions Portal you can submit your online application for master's degree programs listed on this page.

3. Application Documents

When applying for the first semester of study, you will need to upload the following documents as pdf:

1. Proof of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent first degree from a higher education institution by submitting your certificate of completion and your diploma. If applicable, also submit your diploma supplement.

If your diploma does not show proof of our subject-specific academic admission requirements, please submit a confirmation of your modules completed and credit points acquired (e.g. module performance overview, transcript of records) in addition to your certificate of completion and your diploma.

For an application without a formally completed degree, the following minimum number of credit points must be documented at the time of application with a current transcript of records or confirmation issued by the institution of higher education regarding the current total number of credit points up to that point:        

  • at least 140 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 180 credit points
  • at least 170 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 210 credit points
  • at least 200 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 240 credit points

2. Evidence of the content and structure of your academic training. This can be, for example, module catalogs, study and examination regulations or a syllabus.

3. If applicable, preliminary review documentation (Vorprüfungsdokumentation) by uni-assist e.V.

If you are submitting an academic degree or academic records from a higher education institution abroad, you must also upload a document on the evaluation of the degree as an entrance qualification for master’s studies (preliminary review documentation – Vorprüfungsdokumentation or VPD) via the admission and enrollment portal. Please refer to the following website for information on how to apply for a VPD.

Applying for a VPD does not count as an application for the degree program. Be sure to allow enough time to apply for a VPD; the average processing time at uni-assist is 4 to 6 weeks.

The VPD must be submitted via the admission and enrollment portal by the application deadline.

If you would like to apply with a degree from a recognized institution of higher education in the People's Republic of China, Vietnam and India, you must also submit the relevant APS certificate with your application documents in addition to the VPD.

4. If applicable, translations by a sworn translator. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than German or English, a translation of these documents by a sworn translator must also be uploaded via the admission and enrollment portal.

5. If applicable, a placement notice for first or advanced semester entry issued by the Chair of the Examining Board of the degree program. In addition you are required to submit documents which confirm periods of enrollment and semesters of enrollment in a master's degree program or in an equivalent academic program.

Prospective students who are or were enrolled in a related master's program and want to transfer to the Univesity of Potsdam can find information on how to obtain a mandatory placement notice on this page. Students who are currently enrolled in a master's program at the University of Potsdam and want to transfer into another master's program can find information on how to receive a placement notice on this page.

6. A complete and up-to-date CV in tabular format from the 16th year of your life which includes all periods you were enrolled at an institution of higher education. That includes ongoing, interrupted and formally completed study periods.  

7. If applicable, evidence of the change of names by presenting a copy of the offical certificate about the name change (for example marriage certificate).

8. Additional program-specific documentation for each master’s degree program



Climate, Earth, Water, Sustainability

Clinical Exercise Science

Computational Science

Digitale Bildung






Integrative Sport-, Bewegungs- und Gesundheitswissenschaft

International Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (IECL)

Jüdische Studien

Jüdische Theologie

Linguistics: Empirical and Theoretical Foundations

Linguistik im Kontext: Erwerb - Kommunikation - Mehrsprachigkeit


Osteuropäische Kulturstudien



Public Health, Exercise, and Nutrition

Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization

Romanische Philologie


Vergleichende Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaft



Advisory Office for Master's Application and Admission


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
House 8, Room 1.08


consulting hours
only with appointment