Jewish Theology | Master

In establishing the discipline of Jewish Theology including a master's degree program at the University of Potsdam, the long-standing demand for equality with Christian and Islamic theologies has been fulfilled. It will form the basis for a vital engagement with Jewish religious history and philosophy, as well as providing scope to develop religious practice.
Name | Jewish Theology |
Degree | Master of Arts |
Standard period of study | 4 semesters |
Credit points | 120 |
Language of instruction | English and German |
Start of study (1st semester) | Summer or winter semester |
Campus | Am Neuen Palais |
Fees & Charges | Semester fees and charges: yes Tuition fees: no |
Program Content
The subject of the Jewish Theology master's degree program is the in-depth study of Jewish religion. The degree program enables you to understand complex theological, philosophical and ethical ideas in the context of Jewish tradition and current academic and societal debates.
Through the academic program you will acquire excellent knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval Jewish religion and philosophy, as well as of the wide-ranging transformation processes since the mid-16th century. The program places articular emphasis on deeppening one's knowledge of Rabbinic Judaism in Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, periods which have been formative for Judaism in a number of ways up to the present. The analysis, interpretation, and religious history contextualization of the traditional literature and of the Talmudic era (Mishnah, Talmud and Midrashim) as well as the later literature of the Rishonim and Acharonim in its original languages are thus at the core of the program. Other focal areas are the Jewish Enlightenment and the Reform Movement, Eastern European Hasidism, and religious philosophy, as well as the theological and ethical concepts of the 19th and 20th century. The Jewish theology program is based on the current state of research and conveys to the students the necessary specialist knowledge and methodological skills that enable them to independently analyze the texts relevant for Jewish religious history.
Practical theology is also part of the program. Knowledge and understanding of the orders of service is expanded and specific liturgical features of celebrations, fast days and days of remembrance are dealt with. In this way students will gain authentic insights into Judaism today in all its diversity.
For students with a Jewish religious affiliation, the subject can also be chosen with focus areas of liberal or conservative (Masorti) rabbinates. The academic program with one of these focus areas is associated with admission to the Abraham Geiger College or the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.
You are provided with the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained during your studies, through an internship module. It offers a choice between different internship options, e.g., with a Jewish community or cultural institution, or you could design a tutorial for the bachelor's program, or take part in an academic project.
Course Objective and Future Career Options
In the course of the master's program you will acquire excellent knowledge of the field of Jewish religion, which qualifies you for employment in various places of work. These include, for example, archives and museums with Jewish collections, memorials, Jewish and non-Jewish educational and cultural institutions, institutions that endeavor to maintain the Jewish legacy in Germany and abroad, protection and preservation of historical monuments. In addition, employment in the library sector, and in the media and publications sectors are possible. Moreover, the Master program is a pathway to an academic career opening opportunity to pursue a doctoratal degree. Click here to find an overview of further career fields available for you after graduation.
There are further areas of employment for graduates of the Jewish religious confession in Jewish communities, schools, and other Jewish institutions. These also include positions as a hospital or retirement home chaplain, which need not necessarily be held by persons working in a formal community position. The academic program with rabbinate focus area (liberal and conservative/Masorti) leads, in conjunction with training at the Abraham Geiger College or the Zacharias Frankel College, to the profession of rabbi.
Prerequisites for Master's Studies
Applying for a master's degree generally requires you to hold an undergraduate degree, such as a bachelor's degree, in a subject relevant to Jewish theology. Furthermore, you should have knowledge of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages.
You can read more about the subject-specific admission requirements in the respective Admission Regulations.
Program Structure
In total, the program comprises 120 credit points and covers the content shown in the overview below. It can be studied without a specific focus area as well as with the focal areas of liberal or conservative (Masorti) rabbinate. You decide upon enrolling, as desired, for one of the focus areas offered. The switching of a focus area is possible once during your studies, prior you having acquired 90 credit points. The choice of the focus area rabbinate is only possible after admission to either the Abraham Geiger College or Zacharias Frankel College.
The following overview concisely shows the individual modules and their content for the academic program without a specific focus area. The individual choice of a focus area entails thematic specialization in various areas. You can learn more about these by consulting the Degree Regulations.
Modules | Credit points |
Mandatory Moduls | 78 CPs |
Jewish Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Times and in the Middle Ages Jewish Religion and Philosophy in the Modern Era Liturgy Textual Studies of Rabbinic Literature and Halacha Practical Theology Internship | 15 CP 15 CP 12 CP 12 CP 9 CP 15 CP |
Elective Fields One of the following modules is to be selected: | 12 CP |
Jewish History and Culture Judaism, Christianity and Islam in Comparison | 12 CP 12 CP |
Concluding module | 30 CP |
Total | 120 CP |
Advantages at a Glance
The master's degree program in Jewish Theology is unique in Europe and builds on the relevant bachelor's degree course at the University of Potsdam. In Addition to dedicated and qualified lecturers from Germany and abroad, there are a number of reasons to study at the University of Potsdam:
- proximity to numerous extramural Jewish educational and cultural institutions
- Association with training at the Abraham Geiger College or the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam
- Possibilty of part-time studies
- Cooperation with the other institutions of the Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Jewish Studies
Have you decided to study the Master's Program Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam? Then you should take the next step on the application pages to find out more about current application and enrollment procedures.
School of Jewish Theology
Dr. Helga Völkening | Departmental Advising
Phone: +49 331 977-4368
E-Mail: helga.voelkening.1uuni-potsdampde
Dr. Inja Stracenski | Departmental Advising
Phone: +49 331-977-4313
E-Mail: inja.stracenskiuuni-potsdampde
This description is based in part on information from the subject-specific regulations for a master's degree in Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam dated July 10, 2013 (AmBek No. 1/14, p. 2).