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Contact person for your Learning Agreement

The departmental exchange coordinators are responsible for signing the Learning Agreements. Please enter the name and contact details of your departmental exchange coordinator in your Learning Agreement. You can find the correct person in our overview via your home university and department. Please contact your home university to find out via which contract with which department you have been nominated.

Faculty of Human Sciences

Primary School Education - Mr. Dr. Stefan Pfeil

Linguistics - Mr. Prof. Dr. Adamantios Gafos

Music - Ms. Uta Meyer

Sport Science - Mr. Artem Sergeev

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Faculty of Law

Mr. Prof. Dr. Michael Sonnentag

Mr. Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann

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Faculty of Arts

English & American Studies - Frau Denisa Latić

General and Comparative Literature / Cultural Studies - Ms. Dr. Maria Weilandt

History - Mr. Dr. Michael K. Schulz

Jewish Theology - Mr. Dr. Ronen Pinkas

Classical Philology - Mr. Dr. Michael K. Schulz

Jewish and Religious Studies / LER - Ms. Dr. Ulrike Kollodzeiski

Romance Studies - Ms. Dr. Antonella Ippolito

Slavic Studies - Ms. Malgorzata Pilitsidou

Slavic Studies - Mr. Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll

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Faculty of Science

Biochemistry and Biology - Mr. Prof. Dr. Joerg Fettke

Chemistry - Mr. Dr. Dirk Schanzenbach

Nutritional Science - Ms. Dr. Franziska Ebert

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Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences - Ms. Franziska Stimming

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Faculty of Digital Engineering

IT-Systems Engineering - Ms. Jill Grinager

Digital Health - Ms. Dr. Jasmin Cirillo

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