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19.07.2023: Lecture from the Ranke Colloquia series with Prof. Neitzel

The next lecture (in German) in the Ranke Colloquia series will take place on Wednesday, 19 July 2023, 6:00 pm. At the invitation of our board member Prof. Dr. Matthias Asche, University of Potsdam, our member Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel, holder of the Chair of Military History / Cultural History of Violence at the University of Potsdam, will speak. You certainly know Prof. Neitzel through his publications, but also because of his presence as a leading expert on military history in the media, especially on television. He is also the spokesperson for the DFG research group 2898 "Military Cultures of Violence - Illegitimate Military Violence from the Early Modern Period to the Second World War".

Prof. Neitzel will speak on the topic "Notes on the culture of violence of German armies, 1870-1945". John Horne, Isabel Hull, Mac Gregor Knox and others argue that German military culture also produced a specific understanding of the use of force. The German Empire fought its wars in the colonies and in Europe from 1870 to 1918 in a more radical and brutal manner than the other major European powers. As a result, culturally deeply anchored patterns of action emerged, which National Socialism was then able to exploit. The radical nature of German warfare in the Second World War therefore has a long history that goes back at least to 1870. The lecture explores the thesis of a "German Way of War" in the sense of a specific culture of violence from a comparative perspective.

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