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Prof Dr Sönke Neitzel

Consultation hours during the lecture-free period (summer semester 2024)

 23.08.2024               10:00 - 12:00
 24.09.2024               11:00 - 13:00
 09.10.2024               09:00 - 11:00


We recommend that you register for office hours by e-mail (sekretariat-militaergeschichte@uni-potsdam) so that we can inform you in good time if there are any changes to the schedule.

Homework and other mail can be deposited in the "Historisches Institut" post box on the lower floor of house 11.


Portrait von Professor Dr. Sönke Neitzel vor einem Bücheregal


Contact details – Vita – Research interests – Scholarships and awards – Memberships


Monographs – Edited volumes – Edited series – Articles – Source books – Reviews – Miscellaneous

Masterclass mehere Personen an Laptops sind in eine Diskussion vertieft


University of Potsdam – London School of Economics and University of Glasgow – Universities of Mainz, Karlsruhe, Bern and Saarbrücken

Professor Neitzel sitzt mir 3 Studierenden an einem Tisch und redet gestikulierend

PhD supervision

Ongoing PhDs – Completed PhDs