07.09.2020: Graduation Ceremony International War Studies and Awarding of the Friends’ Scholarship

On September 7th 2020 we bid farewell to the first cohort of students of the MA International War Studies in the presence of the Dean of Studies as well as of lecturers of the programme. The co-initiator of the MA programme and former Head of the School of History at University College Dublin, Professor Robert Gerwarth, as well as his successor in the post, Professor William Mulligan, also dialed in with a digital welcome address.
Professor Sönke Neitzel, creator of the MA programme, pointed out during his short address how well the cooperation with the partner university in Dublin has been coming along, and lauded the students for their courage to embark on a new binational MA programme. Due of the efforts of all partners in Potsdam and Dublin, the MA International War Studies had already earned a high degree of visibility.
The Dean of Studies, Professor Monika Fenn, then handed out the degree certificates - before the Association of Friends of the Chair of War Studies at the University of Potsdam proceeded to awarding the prize for students of the MA International War Studies. Mr. Julian Howe will be awarded a scholarship of 7,000 EUR to cover the totality of tuition fees of the Dublin year. Thus, the Association of Friends also rewards Mr. Howes’ academic performance during his first year at the University of Potsdam. Thanks to the generosity of the Association of Friends he will now be able to concentrate fully on his research in Dublin.
Students of the MA International War Studies spend their first year at the University of Potsdam and their second at University College Dublin. Despite the adversities the Covid-19 pandemic has brought for research and teaching between two EU member states, all students have graduated with good or very good results. Congratulations!