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Topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses

We currently have free capacities to supervise final theses. Fundamentally, all final theses are affiliated in terms of content with the thematic priorities of the working group and are empirically focused. It is possible to work on issues using existing data.

The following topics are currently available:

VR classroom: analysis of eye tracking data in virtual reality teaching (Through teachers' eyes: Eye movement during virtual reality teaching).

Teaching is a cognitively demanding activity that requires skillful attention allocation in complicated environments. Eye movement reveals the underlying cognitive process of the teacher and opens new avenues for understanding teaching practice. The goal of this work is to analyze teachers' eye movements while teaching in a VR classroom. Possible aspects to be investigated include the distribution of eye fixations during different instructional activities; the relationships between student:ing behavior in the virtual classroom and teacher eye movements; or teacher characteristics and eye movements. Interested students should have basic knowledge in statistics (probability, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics) and data analysis (SPSS, SAS, R, etc.) and be willing to complete their thesis in English. If you are interested and would like more information about this master thesis topic, please contact Dr. Yizhen Huang.

Alternative Learning Spaces: Significance and Benefits of Alternative Teaching Spaces for the Learning Effectiveness of Lessons and Student Satisfaction Using the Example of the Creative Laboratory of the Evangelisches Gymnasium Nordhorn

The aim of the study is an empirical analysis of the relationship between an alternative room solution for teaching and the learning effectiveness as well as the students' satisfaction in learning situations. For the investigation of the correlation a cooperation with the Evangelisches Gymnasium Nordhorn is necessary. The analysis is to be carried out on students who have subject lessons in the creative laboratory developed there. There should be a basic interest in working with students and in cooperating with teachers. A contact person at the Evangelisches Gymnasium Nordhorn will be assigned as part of the supervision. If you are interested and for more information about this bachelor/master thesis topic, please contact Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter.


Competence Development of Internationally Trained Teachers as a Function of Mentor Support

The aim of this paper is first to provide an overview of the development of various competencies of the teachers participating in the Teachers Plus program. In a second step, it will be examined to what extent these competencies are related to the type and frequency of support provided by mentors. In order to work on the final paper, it is planned that the data already collected from the quantitative surveys will be used. The data were collected at the five Teachers Plus program sites at two survey times. To work on the research question, there should be a basic interest in working with quantitative data and a willingness to work with SPSS (statistics program). Previous statistical knowledge is not required.
If you are interested and would like more information on this topic, please contact Anna Geske.