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Fortbildungsmonitoring NRW

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter, Dr. Eric Richter

Research staff: Dr. Eric Richter

Duration: 01.04.2021 - 31.12.2022

Funding: Ministry for School and Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Project description

The project "Fortbildungsmonitoring NRW" aims to develop and pilot an evidence- and standards-based evaluation instrument to determine the quality of further education for teachers in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. If the instrument is successfully tested, its implementation will be supported and accompanied. The instrument to be developed claims to be able to be used in all state external and internal teacher training courses in the state and to provide standardized information on the quality of the training offered and the transfer of training content into school practice. To this end, the project is being carried out in close cooperation with various local actors in teacher training in NRW (e.g. QUA-LiS).

Beyond the pure development of an evaluation instrument to determine the quality of teacher training, the project addresses several desiderata of training research. For example, it will provide insights into various quality dimensions of different training formats (e.g., online training, face-to-face training). In addition, the project will focus on the group of teacher trainers and investigate the relationship between their professional competence and the design of training events.