Travel Cost Subsidies
Due to a shortage of staff, PoGS is currently only able to process applications on a stand-in basis and only to a limited extent. Please be patient and assist us with good preparation and timely submission. Kindly pay attention to the information sheets and the requirements listed therein. We thank you for your understanding.
The Potsdam Graduate School can grant its members - PhD candidates and Postdocs & Juniorprofs of the University of Potsdam - subsidies to travel and participation costs. These allow participants to participate in scientific events (congresses, symposia, colloquia, summer schools, etc.) and to present their own research results as well as to exchange experiences with scientists from other research institutions. The maximum funding amount per person and calendar year for Postdoc PoGS members is a total of €2000. This amount applies as a total amount for all funding guidelines and can be used at your own personal decision for the different funding areas (except coaching) per calendar year.
There is no application deadline. You can apply for a travel cost subsidies at any time. Please note that the application must be submitted in good time before the trip.
Please be sure to follow the instructions for travel expense applications!
Travel Cost Subsidies for PhD candidates
Of course we also encourage participation in virtual conferences. Please note the respective maximum rates.
Prerequisite for a subsidy
- Membership in the Potsdam Graduate School
- Presentation of the results of the own PhD project as a poster or lecture during a scientific event or a summer school or similar
Application for travel cost subsidies for PHD CANDIDATES
Travel Cost Subsidies for Postdocs
The Potsdam Graduate School can grant travel cost subsidies (including participation costs) to Postdocs & Juniorprofs with terminated contracts at the University of Potsdam.
Of course we also encourage participation in virtual conferences.
Prerequisite for a subsidy
- Membership in the Potsdam Graduate School
- Presentation of the results of the own research project during a scientific event
- Reporting obligation in the form of a short report up to 4 weeks after termination of the mission
Application for travel cost subsidies for POSTDOCS & Juniorprofs
Applying for the subsidy at the Potsdam Graduate School
Please sign your application and send it via email, fax or postal mail to:
Potsdam Graduate School
University of Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Fax: +49 331 977-4555
Applying for business travel and billing for travel expenses
Please note that the application for a business trip as well as the billing takes place via your faculty, institute or professorship.
First submit all necessary documents such as your business travel application, travel expense report and supporting documents to your respective institution and NOT to the Potsdam Graduate School.
Nützliche Downloads
- Business travel application (in German) (PDF 323KB)
For members of the University of Potsdam; Please note that you can only use this document in this case you are not registered for "Reisen.UP" ; Updated: November 12, 2014
- Business travel application (in German) (PDF 1,21MB)
For non-university members traveling for the University of Potsdam; Updated: April 15, 2021
Tips for Funding
The Potsdam Graduate School grants travel cost subsidies only for conferences, workshops, symposiums and congresses. In case of international projects we recommend applying at the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) as well. Please notice that the application period starts four months before the beginning of the conference. Further information can be found in the DAAD’s scholarships database:
A large number of links related to the topics research funding, funding of early-stage researchers and to institutions which provide external funding and much more, can be found on the
websites of the University of Potsdam:
University of Potsdam / Research Funding
Contact person: Maryam Lashari
Maryam Lashari
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam
Contact person: Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam