Questions & Answers

When will the graduation ceremony 2023 take place?
The graduation ceremony will take place on June 29th, 2023, starting at 5 pm. Afterwards the Alumni Service of the university invites you to a graduation party on campus.
Who can register for the graduation ceremony 2023?
All graduates who received a degree (bachelor's, master's, diploma, master's, doctorate) in the academic year 2022/2023 are eligible to participate. This applies to the period July 01, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Where and until when can I register for the graduation ceremony?
The registration for the graduation ceremony will start April 1st, 2023. You have to register in the Alumni-Portal. There you will find the registration form for the graduation ceremony.
What can I expect of the graduation ceremony?
The central graduation ceremony is the university's traditional ceremony to bid farewell to the graduates of an academic year. The key note speech is held by a representative from politics or science. We have already welcomed Germany's President Frank Walter Steinmeier and the former French ambassador Philippe Etienne to the university. This year writer Antje Rávik Strubel will speak to the graduates.
In addition, the best students of all faculties are honored and several prizes are awarded for outstanding academic achievements.
Is there a commemorative publication? How can I obtain it?
A commemorative publication will be compiled for the graduation ceremony, containing the speeches as well as a list of all the year's best graduates and a brief presentation of the award winners. All graduates who have registered for the central graduation ceremony will receive the commemorative publication.
What form will the 2023 graduation ceremony take?
The graduation ceremony will take place as an in-person event. The event is planned open-air at the Colonnade at the Neues Palais. The area offers enough space for all graduates their families and friends.
What do I need to consider?
The closing ceremony will take place open-air in front of the colonnade at the Neues Palais. If the weather is warm and sunny, make sure to bring enough sun protection. And be sure to bring enough drinks: there will be no sale of drinks during the graduation party and no supermarket or similar in the vicinity. Non-alcoholic beverages, beer and wine will be available later on at the Graduation Party.
In addition, please note that the graduation party will literally take place on historic grounds. The "Mopke" is uneven in some places, creating a tripping hazard.