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Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Andrea Liese

Seminarart: Kernseminar

Termin und Ort: Montags, 12-14 Uhr, Raum 3.06.S23

Semester: Wintersemester 2014/2015

Lehrsprache: Englisch

International Relations at the Movies

Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Andrea Liese

Seminarart: Kernseminar

Termin und Ort: Montags, 12-14 Uhr, Raum 3.06.S23

Semester: Wintersemester 2014/2015

Lehrsprache: Englisch

Course Description

This seminar uses movies (and hence ‘images’ and storylines) as a pedagogical tool to explain/understand and debate issues, narratives, and identities in international politics and to explain and criticize International Relations theory. By reading classics as well as secondary literature, we will follow important debates in the history of International Relations theory. What characterizes the international system? Who are the important actors? Where do their interests stem from and how can these be altered? How are crises constructed and addressed? Why is cooperation challenging, but not impossible?

Apart from Realist and Constructivist approaches, we will discuss Feminist and Postmodern contributions. The function of the latter is less to explain International Relations than to add a critical and reflexive dimension. Additionally, we will work with movies and approaches concerning fragile statehood and peace-building.

The movies will be shown in addition to the regular seminar times, i.e. we will meet from 12-4 p.m. It is important that the students read the texts provided on Moodle (compulsory reading) thoroughly in preparation for the seminar discussions.

Degree Programs

Politikwissenschaft – Master (PO WS 06/07: Kernmodul Internationale Politik) 

Verwaltungswissenschaft – Master (PO WS 06/07: Kernmodul internationale Politik)

Politische Bildung – Master Lehramt (PO WS 07/08: Wahlmodul Politik)

Politische Bildung – Master Lehramt (PO WS 11/12: Politik)