Prof. Dr. Winnie-Karen Giera
Born in Potsdam, she received a scholarship from the Foundation for the Promotion of Gifted Students in Vocational Education and completed her Master of Education degree in German and political education at the “Leuphana University” in Lueneburg in 2013. Afterwards she did her doctorate on a part-time basis at the Institute for German Language, Literature and Didactics until her disputation in April 2019. Her doctoral topic was an intervention study with ninth graders and vocational school students in a career-oriented writing project at several secondary and vocational schools. This work received an award from the Faculty of Education in 2019. Parallel to her doctoral studies and her teaching positions, she completed the second state examination for secondary school teaching with distinction in Verden in 2015. As the next step of her career, she taught students at the “Integrierte Sekundarschule Jungfernheide”, before she moved to the “Theodor-Fontane-Oberschule” in Ketzin/Havel and became a civil servant. She taught German, political education, and career orientation in the subject of business-work-technology, and was the class teacher of an inclusive class for several years. Through her numerous teaching projects with extracurricular institutions from political, economic, and cultural fields, she received the award “Teacher of the Year” from the state of Brandenburg. Her current research investigates secondary school students' writing skills, reading skills, debating skills and their skills concerning scenic acting as well as their feedback behavior and attitudes in these domains. The research has been implemented through different instructional projects and intervention studies in extracurricular and school settings in which secondary school students with and without language support needs participate. For this purpose, she envisions an interdisciplinary collaboration of different chairs.
Prof. Dr. Winnie-Karen Giera
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais
House 4
Room 1.01
14469 Potsdam
consulting hours
- Tuesdays from 14:30-16 o'clock
- for teachers always on Tuesdays from 19-20 as well as on Fridays from 13-14 o'clock (after registration via e-mail)