Gender Equality Officers of the Digital Engineering Faculty
What are Gender Equality Officers (German abbreviation: GBAs) and who are we?
From the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG):
"The Gender Equality Officers advise and support the President and the other bodies and institutions of the university in all matters concerning equal opportunities for women and men, in particular with regard to target agreements, structural and personnel decisions as well as with regard to the preparation and monitoring of guidelines for the advancement of women and plans for the advancement of women. They inform all members of the university and accept suggestions and complaints. (Section 68 (2))
This paragraph also defines that only women may be elected and appointed to the position of Gender Equality Officers and deputy. Equality work also means a lot of committee work: The Gender Equality Officers participate in, among other things, the Faculty Council meetings, the appointment committees and the Commission for Equal Opportunities (abbreviation: CGK). A further field of activity is the provision of information, advice and support to members of the university when problems arise. In addition, there is the implementation of measures from the faculty's Gender Equality Plan, such as the "Women in Tech" events and other activities.
Until the election of a decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of the Digital Engineering Faculty: Christina Wolff (Central Equal Opportunities Officer of the UP)
Am Neuen Palais 10 | Haus 6
Griebnitzsee Campus
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam
H-E.6 (FQ Lounge)
Griebnitzsee Campus
at the reception of the HPI main building (next to H-E.6)
Until the election of a decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of the Digital Engineering Faculty contact the Central Equal Opportunities Officer of the university for support.
Informatika Mailing List
Students, alumni and HPI staff, as well as interested parties and supporters, are invited to add their names to the following mailing list:
The goal is not only to connect and support members, but also to advance the topic of Women in IT in Germany. The mailing list is used to send invitations for various conferences and networking meetings and to distribute other subject-related information. Everyone is welcome to add their names to the list.
Parent Mailing List
We would like to inform all parents and other interested parties at the Hasso Plattner Institute about offers to promote the compatibility of family and studies as well as career. We have a mailing list for this:, which we will use to send out invitations to events and information, e.g. on family afternoons. Please register if you would like to receive information for parents!