Boards, Committees and Commissioners

Overview of the faculty’s boards, committees and commissioners
Doctoral Committee
The doctoral committee rules on the opening of doctoral examination procedures and issues a recommendation to the dean to conclude them.
- Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze
- Prof. Dr. Ariel Stern
- Prof. Dr. Anja Lehmann (Deputy)
Further information on doctoral studies at the Digital Engineering Faculty
Habilitation Committee
The habilitation committee decides on habilitations at the faculty.
- Prof. Dr.Robert Hirschfeld (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze
- Prof. Dr. Ariel Stern
- Prof. Dr. Anja Lehmann (Deputy)
Examining Board
The examining board of the Digital Engineering Faculty is responsible for the BSc/MSc programs in IT Systems Engineering, MSc Data Engineering, MSc Digital Health, MSc Cybersecurity and Msc Software Systems Engineering.
University Teachers
Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich
Prof. Dr. Christian Dörr
Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Holger Giese
Prof. Dr. Holger Karl (stv. Vorsitz)
Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann
Prof. Dr. Gerard de Melo
Academic Staff
Dr. Rico Richter
Student Members
Jessica Ziegler
Rieke Freund (Deputy)
Silvan Verhoeven (Deputy)
The Faculty Council appoints the Examination Board according to § 2 Abs. 1 BaMa-O.
Study Commission
The Study Commission advises the Faculty Council when it prepares and revises the faculty’s programs and analyzes the results of program and teaching evaluations. It meets regularly by invitation for the preparation and revision of the study programs.
Legal foundations: Art. 23 Abs. 3 Grundordnung
Members of the Study Commission:
University Teachers
Prof. Dr. Holger Karl (Vorsitz)
Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich
Prof. Dr. Gerard de Melo
Prof. Dr. Christian Dörr
Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Holger Giese
Academic Staff
Timo Kötzing
Willy Scheibel
Student Members
Anna Fennig
Dilem Kaya
Konrad Nareike
Felix Roth
Annika Schüßler
Charlotte Weiss
Lina Wilske
Jessica Ziegler
Paul Ermler (Deputy)
Nils Kaspar (Deputy)
Oscar Ulbricht (Deputy)
Quality Managment
Quality Management Commissioner
Die Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragte unterstützt den Studiendekan und die Studienkommission bei der (Weiter-)Entwicklung und Überarbeitung von Studienprogrammen und begleitet Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsverfahren. Gemeinsam mit Lehrenden und Studierenden erarbeitet sie Konzepte zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehr- und Studienqualität.
Christiane Herzog
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam
Room: H-1.4
BAföG representatives
You can find helpful information on BAföG at Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg
Please direct your inquiries first to studentaffairsuhpi.uni-potsdampde.
Our BAföG representatives:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert (deputy)