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The research project  

Digital Transformation at the Local Tier of Government in Europe: Dynamics and Effects from a Cross-Countries and Over-Time Comparative Perspective (DIGILOG) is a three-year long research project between the University of Potsdam, the ZHAW and the Vienna University of Economics and Business to generate systematic, cross-country and comparative knowledge about the state of implementation and the effects of digital transformation at the local level in Europe. 

Digital transformation is one of the most important innovations at the local government level and is fundamentally changing local service delivery, public administration, and governance in Europe. The project thus responds to the continuing need for an assessment of how far digitization has already progressed at the level of local government and how its dynamics and scopes are represented in Europe. 

In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated that there are institutional deficiencies that challenge the sustainable delivery of public services. The aim of the research project is thus to address the existing knowledge gap in the field of digital transformation trajectories and their impact at the local level. Thereby, we aim to complement the growing research body located at the national government level with the local perspective. A particular focus here is on the comparative aspect in PA research. 


Photo: pixabay

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Case Studies