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European Network ‚MOBAK‘ – Didactics & Educational Sciences in PE & Sports

Until 2021, the project “Basic Motor Competencies in European Universities (BMC EU@UNI). Evidence-based diagnosis, promotion, implementation, and dissemination” was one of the 12 projects of the ZeLB program “UP Network for Sustainable Teacher Education” which is funded as part of the DAAD program “Lehramt.International” (“Teacher Education.International”, 2021-2024).

The aim of this project is to further develop the existing network working on the promotion of basic motor competencies (, to implement sustainable structures in the respective countries and to advance the dissemination of the concept. Thus, the project adds to the preparatory work already supported by third-party funds and expands this work substantially. A central aim of the sub-project is to expand an institutionalized network in teacher education as well as further education for teachers in Europe and make these networks available for the pre-service teacher education degree programs at the University of Potsdam. That way, the program increases the visibility of internationalization in teacher training. Further aims include the promotion of the internationalization in pre-service teacher education degree programs at the University of Potsdam by giving students the opportunity to take part in transnational projects and work on their theses in other countries in cooperative mentoring programs. Moreover, students and teaching staff are to get the chance to acquire intercultural competencies through workshops as well as teaching and research stays with the network partners, by actively taking part in the network group meetings and by taking on responsibilities in terms of guidance and interactions with visiting students and guest researchers.