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12. Mentoring.International - Music Education and Didactics

“Mentoring.International” is one of the 12 sub-projects of the ZeLB project “UP Network for Sustainable Teacher Education” funded as part of the DAAD program “Lehramt.International” (2021-24).

Picture: ZeLB

The aim of the measure is to offer digital qualification opportunities for competence development in mentoring for teachers at German partner schools abroad who supervise Potsdam students in pre-service teacher education degree programs in practice-related training components. The measure contributes to the interdisciplinary quality assurance for the practical semester (Master) abroad and expands or intensifies the cooperation and subject-related exchange with German schools abroad.

The academic department for music education and didactics for secondary schools [in German only] oversees the project. “Mentoring.International” is being developed in cooperation with the “AG Mentor*innenqualifizierung”[in German only] working group at the UP for teachers in Brandenburg and transfers this concept to the international sphere. Once the Brandenburg Mentoring Concept is available in October 2021, work will begin on the conceptual phase of the digital qualification program for teachers supervising internships at German schools abroad. The presentation of the international concept and the launch of the pilot phase (winter semester 2022/23) of the digital qualification are scheduled to take place during the Summer School 2022. In the 2023 summer semester, there will be an evaluated continuation of the project with the goal for the 2023/24 academic year of implementing Mentoring.International into the ZeLB structure in the form of a webinar for the continuous qualification of teachers at German schools abroad. The implementation will round off the publication of the results of a scientific monitoring.

Picture: ZeLB