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Minimum Wage

  • Project title: Evaluating the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany (EVA-MIN) - Innovative Knowledge Transfer and Evidence-Based Evaluation
  • Funded by: Leibniz Association
  • Project duration: 2015 - 2017
  • Project leader at UP: Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo
  • Participant: Linda Wittbrodt
  • Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schupp (Project leader SOEP), Prof. Dr. Lutz Bellmann (Project leader IAB Nuremberg)

Short Description

A statutory federal minimum wage of 8.50 Euro/hour is in effect in Germany since January 1, 2015. The introduction of this wage floor is an intervention into the market economy directly affecting approximately 4 million employees. It aims to improve the income situation of individuals with low incomes but is also associated with costs. The goal of this project is to comprehensively evaluate the effects of the minimum wage introduction on individuals, households, and establishments regarding objective (employment, working hours, income and income distribution) as well as subjective indicators (satisfaction, fairness perception). For this purpose, the data infrastructure (SOEP, IAB Establishment Panel) will be extended and improved and made available for use by interested researchers worldwide. The results of the evaluation are then made public to all interested audiences (scientific community, politicians, general public) in a transparent and innovative way. Further discussions about the results with these groups will be stimulated and promoted. The research project is carried out in close cooperation with SOEP and IAB.


  • Caliendo, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (201x): The Causal Effects of the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany: An Overview, forthcoming in: German Economic Review
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  • Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2018): The short-run employment effects of the German minimum wage reform, Labour Economics, 53, 46-62.
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  • Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Schröder, C. (2018): Mindestlohn: Stundenlöhne steigen, aber Monatsentgelte stagnieren, DIW Wochenbericht No. 27/2018, Berlin, 599-608.
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  • Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): The Short-Term Distributional Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform, Discussion Paper No. 11246, IZA Bonn.
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  • Burauel, P., Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Grabka, M., Schröder, C., Schupp, J. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): Minimum wage not yet for everyone: On the compensation of eligible workers before and after the minimum wage reform from the perspective of employees, DIW Economic Bulletin No. 49/2017, Berlin, 509-522.
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