Ana María Reyes-Vujovic
Main research areas
- Multilingualism
- Indigenous languages of Latin America
- Phonetic and phonology
- Discourse analysis
- Sociolinguistics
University of Potsdam | |
Winter semester 2024/25 | Sprachkontakt in Hispanoamerika - Seminar: Zonas en contacto: Lengua y cultura españolas Universität Potsdam |
Summer semester 2024 | Pragmática y comunicación intercultural: la cortesía en el mundo hispánico, Seminar (PULS) |
Winter semester 2023/24 | Phonetik und Phonologie des Spanischen, Seminar (PULS) |
Summer Semester 2023 | Phonetik und Phonologie des Spanischen, Seminar (PULS) |

Ana María Reyes-Vujovic
Lecturer and PhD candidate
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 19, Raum 4.34
14469 Potsdam
consulting hours
via Zoom or in person by appointment.
For requests, please contact me by e-mail stating your topic.
Publications and conferences
REYES-VUJOVIĆ, ANA MARÍA: (2025). Universal premises of vocatives in the study of languages in contact. In: Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny. Journals Polish Academy of Sciences. (Article accepted for publication)
DÁVILA,ALFONSO/GARCÍA,MARCELA/ANGULO, ANA MARÍA (REYES-VUJOVIĆ). (2012). Égua... the music sounds beautiful, buddy. Introduction booklet to traditional music from the Colombian Amazon. Ministry of Culture of Colombia. National Music Plan for Coexistence. ¡Egua... La música suena boníiito, mano!! MÚSICAS POPULARES TRADICIONALES DEL TRAPECIO AMAZÓNICO
ANGULO, ANA MARÍA (REYES-VUJOVIĆ). (2010). Palimpsesto Universitario: Walking through the campus of the National University. In: Capital Letter electronic journal. No. 12. Department of Foreign Languages. UNAL. Bogotá. S. 8-11.
ANGULO, ANA MARÍA (REYES-VUJOVIĆ). (2009). Sounds of the River: Descriptive Approach to the Daily Music of the Inhabitants of the Amazon Trapezium. Ministry of Culture of Colombia.
ANGULO, ANA MARÍA (REYES-VUJOVIĆ). (2007). German Pedagogical Concepts in Colombian Education: World War II and the Present. In: Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras, (1).
ANGULO, ANA MARÍA (REYES-VUJOVIĆ) / GARCÍA, JAVIER. (2006). Transmission of Knowledge about Music in the Multi-ethnic Settlements of the Colombian Amazon Trapezium. Display Poster In: World Conference on Arts Education, UNESCO.
Reyes-Vujović, Ana María (2024). Spanish and Magütá in the Colombian Amazon. Vocatives and their applicability in the school environment.Lecture at the X International Hispanist Symposium in Gdansk, University of Gdansk, 26.09.2024.
Reyes-Vujović, Ana María (2024). Language as an element of social and cultural cohesion and identity expression in university educational institutions with indigenous students. Presentation in the context of Red de Diversida Lingüistica en Colombia (ReDiLeC), 06.08.2024.
Reyes-Vujovic, Ana María (2024). Cultural and linguistic diversity of Colombia in the Amazon tri-border region. Lecture as part of the event “We are Amazonia - Biology meets Culture and Sustainability" 2024", University of Heidelberg, 13/04/2024.
Reyes-Vujovic, Ana María (2023). Spanish and Tikuna in the Amazon region of Colombia. Pragmatics of nominal forms of address in the school context.Lecture as part of the colloquium Language, Variation and Multilingualism in Linguistic Lecture Series, University of Potsdam, 31/05/2023.
Reyes-Vujovic, Ana María (2023). Spanish and Tikuna of the Colombian Amazon region. Discursive linguistic realities and their implementation in the school. Presentation as part of the Red de Diversida Lingüistica en Colombia (ReDiLeC), 05/06/2023.
Interactive participation in the training seminar Lenguas y culturas nativas de Colombia con énfasis en Amazonas. Andrés Bello, Caro y Cuervo Institut. Bogotá, Kolumbien, from 08/05/2023 to 30/07/2023.
Current projects
- Since 06/2023: Red de Diversida Lingüistica en Colombia (ReDiLeC): Transatlantic exchange network of researchers on the topic of linguistic diversity in Colombia.
Professional activity | |
since 04/2023 | Institute for Romance Studies - University of Potsdam |
10/2019 - 03/2023 | Institute for Romance Philology - Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
10/2018 - 09/2019 | Language Centre - Technical University of Munich |
10/2018 - 02/2019 | International University Club Munich - Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
Qualification | |
10/2011 – 10/2013 | Technische Universität Berlin - Master of Arts |
02/1999 - 09/2007 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia(Bogotá) - Bachelor |