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Corpus „Lengua y turismo“

E01, 25 years old, Student at the UIB

„Yo siento que tantos turistas hacen creer que Mallorca tiene una cultura turística, cuando realmente tiene una cultura propia, muy rica, pero que no se ve porque la gente solo lo asocia al turismo, a que hay muchos alemanes, a que hay muchos guiris y también eso, al final, invade nuestros espacios [...]“

In october 2023 a group of students from the university of Potsdam took part in the Jornades Illes, mars, turisme, fronteres that were organised by the Universitat de les Illes Balears. The focus was on the exchange between students and lecturers from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the University of the Balearic Islands and students from other universities and the discussion of social and linguistic issues relating to language and tourism.

As part of the excursion around these Jornadas, the students from the University of Potsdam conducted a total of 29 interviews with 35 people on the Mallorcan university campus in order to record different perspectives on tourism on the island and its impact on the culture and languages of Mallorca. The interviews were mainly conducted with students, but lecturers also made up a small proportion.

E01, 25 years old, Student at the UIB

„Yo siento que tantos turistas hacen creer que Mallorca tiene una cultura turística, cuando realmente tiene una cultura propia, muy rica, pero que no se ve porque la gente solo lo asocia al turismo, a que hay muchos alemanes, a que hay muchos guiris y también eso, al final, invade nuestros espacios [...]“

Die Abbilsung zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus der Metadatentabelle der befragten Personen.
Extract from metadata table

A small corpus is currently being compiled from these interviews. The data can be used for final theses or similar projects as they contain various interesting sociolinguistic topics. If you are interested please write to whk-uthuni-potsdamde with  the subject "Interviews Mallorca, possible written assignment".

The table with the metadata available here can already give some indications as to wich aspects could be of interest for a seminar paper, in addition to the content-related questions of the interviews. The illustration on the left shows an excerpt from that table.

Die Abbilsung zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus der Metadatentabelle der befragten Personen.
Extract from metadata table

The bar charts in the illustrations below also provide an insight into some data, like the age of the interviewees. There, you can see that the majority of the interviewees are between 19 and 21 years old, as well as the fact that the participants with Catalan as a first language and those with Spanish as a first language are relatively well balanced.