Prof. Dr. Tanja Schwerdtle
The Chair Food Chemistry is held by Prof. Dr. Tanja Schwerdtle.
Scientific career:
- 10/1994 - 10/1996 - Study of Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe
- 10/1996 - 11/1999 - Study of Food Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Diploma in Food Chemistry
- 10/1999 - 12/2002 - PhD, Institute of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, University of Karlsruhe, Frau Prof. Dr. A. Hartwig
- 01/2003 bis 03/2004 - Senior Scientist, Institute of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, University of Karlsruhe
- 04/2004 bis 08/2008 - Senior Scientist (C1), Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry, TU Berlin
- 6/2005 - Guest Scientist, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, Prof. Dr. L.H.F. Mullenders
- 08/2005 - 09/2005, 07/2007 - Guest Scientist, Medical Research Council Harwell, Oxford/UK, Dr. G. Dianov
- 06/2008 - declined offer for a W2-Professorship in Food Chemistry, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 09/2008 bis 09/2013 - W2-Professorship in Food Chemistry, University of Münster
- since 10/2013 - W3-Professorship in Food Chemistry, Institute of Nutritional Science, Chair Food Chemistry, University of Potsdam
since 2000 - Member of the German Society for Research on DNA Repair (DGDR); 9/2006 - 09/2014 General Secretary, since 09/2014 Vice President
- since 2000 - Member of the German Environmental Mutagen Society (GUM); 02/2009 - 2015 Vice President
- since 2000 - Member of European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS)
- since 2000 - Member of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM)
- since 2004 - Member of German Chemical Society (GDCh) (Division: Society of Food Chemistry - LChG)
- since 2006 - Member of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS); since 09/2007 Member of the Advisory Board
- 2008 - 2009 - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Expert (Working Group Arsenic in Food)
- 2011 - 2012 - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Expert (Working Group Mercury in Food)
- since 01/2013 - Co-Editor Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (Elsevier)
- since 10/2013 - Member of the Advisory Board of "Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung" (BFR)
- since 02/2014 - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Expert (Working Group Nickel in Feed)
Important Awards:
- 2002 - EEMS Young Scientist Travel Award, awarded by European Environmental Mutagen Society
- 2004 - Young Scientist Award of the German Environmental Mutagen Society (GUM)
- 2005 - Josef Schormüller-Award of the Society of Food Chemistry (LChG), part of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)
- 2005 - EMS New Investigator Travel Award, verliehen von der Environmental Mutagen Society
- 2008 - Kurt-Täufel Young Scientist Award of the Society of Food Chemistry (LChG), part of German Chemical Society (GDCh)
- 01/2009 and 10/2011 - "Goldener Brendel", Teaching award for the best lecture in the discipline of chemistry of University of Münster

Chair-holder of Department of Food Chemistry
Location Rehbrücke
Institute of Nutritional Science
Department of Food Chemistry
Arthur-Scheunert-Alle 114-116
14558 Nuthetal
consulting hours
on prior agreement