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Biodiversity Research / Systematic Botany

Our Working Group
Source: Workgroup
Our Potsdam working group (Not pictured: Katja Geißler, Jennifer Kaminski, James Ofori)


Welcome to the working group of Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter



in South Africa

August 2024: New “Nature” Journal Publication

Results from a large coordinated global study on climate change impacts on dryland vegetation make it into Nature Journal.

September 2024: PhD candidates at the 53rd GfÖ conference

Our PhD candidates Lisa-Maricia Schwarz and Sophia Meyer presented their results at the 53rd Annual Conference of the German Ecological Society in Freising


For more news from our working group please check out our News page.


Logo workgroup Biodiversity Research and Systematic Botany
Source: Workgroup




We investigate biodiversity

across various scales and habitats,

with special focus on plant and fungal taxa.

Logo workgroup Biodiversity Research and Systematic Botany
Source: Workgroup