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Sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence at universities

Sexualized discrimination and violence at universities must not be a taboo subject. Instead, the goal should be to provide competent advice to affected members of the university in such a situation, i.e. to employees and students, while also structurally establishing preventive measures. The University of Potsdam acknowledges its responsibility in this respect and is working actively on the realization of professional consulting services.

What exactly is sexualized discrimination and violence?

“Sexualized discrimination and violence are forms of gender discrimination, offenses against the principle of equal treatment, and assaults on the dignity and personal rights of those affected. This includes unwanted sexualized remarks and acts as well as serious crimes like stalking, assaults, and rape.” (Commission “Sexualized Discrimination and Violence at Universities” of the Federal Conference of Women’s and Equal Opportunity Officers at Universities (bukof), September 2018). Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen (in German)

In accordance with the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG), the equal opportunity commissioners at the University of Potsdam welcome suggestions and accept complaints from university members. Therefore, they can also be contact persons in cases of sexualized discrimination and violence at the university. At the central university level, the central equal opportunity commissioner is the contact person and confidential counselor, at the decentralized level (faculties, academic and central institutions, libraries) her decentralized representatives.

"Dealing with sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence. Information, options for action and contact points at the University of Potsdam"

Further information:

General Conditions on Counseling Offers of the Equal Opportunity Commissioners

Internal Complaints Office according to §13 General Ac t on Equal Treatment (GETA) at the University of Potsdam

External Contact and Counseling Services in Berlin, Potsdam and the surrounding regions

Information of the bukof Commission " Sexualized Discrimination and Violence at Universities”

Information for employees, employers, and works councils