Sophie Riedl
Head of Section
Building 3, Room 1.14
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 147
E-Mail: sophie.riedluuni-potsdampde
Vivien Höcker
Assistance, job advertisements for non-scientific staff
Building 3, Room 1.09
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 106
E-Mail: vivien.hoeckeruuni-potsdampde
Bianca Krieger-Heiß
Deputy Head of Section, Policy Issues Human Resources Issues Academic Employees
Building 3, Room 1.11
Telefon: +49 331 977-1371
E-Mail: bianca.krieger-heissuuni-potsdampde
Christin Althans
Basic processing of personnel matters for academic employees
Building 3, Room 1.11
Telefon: +49 331 977-1274
E-Mail: christin.waltheruuni-potsdampde
N. N.
Basic processing of personnel matters for technical and administrative staff
Building 3, Room
Anne-Kathrin Jaensch
Personnel administrator for professors and civil servants
Building 3, Room 1.10
Telefon: +49 331 977-1109
E-Mail: anne-kathrin.jaenschuuni-potsdampde
Anke Witt-Pioch
Personnel administrator for professors and civil servants
Building 3, Room 1.10
Telefon: +49 331 977-1070
E-Mail: anke.witt-piochuuni-potsdampde
Theresa Wangemann
Financial audit clerk for externally funded personnel, application processes, Personnel Processing Visiting Scientists and Visiting Professorships, Reimbursement of expenses
Building 3, Room 1.03
Telefon: +49 331 977-1862
E-Mail: theresa.wangemannuuni-potsdampde
Personnel processing for academic staff at the following institutions:
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Digital Engineering Faculty
Central and Scientific Institutions
President´s Office
Katrin Eichler (Telefon: +49 331 977-1535, E-Mail: katrin.eichleruuni-potsdampde)
Luisa Steuke (Telefon: +49 331 977-1320, E-Mail: luisa.steuke.1uuni-potsdampde)
Haus 3, Raum 1.07
Personnel processing for academic staff at the following institutions:
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Law
Doreen Hohensee (Telefon: +49 331 977-124 459, E-Mail: doreen.hohenseeuuni-potsdampde)
Nadine Atanassov (Telefon: +49 331 977-153 047, E-Mail: nadine.atanassovuuni-potsdampde)
Building 3, Room 1.08
Annekathrin Seeberger
Human resources administrator for scientific and student assistants
Building 3, Room 1.01
Telefon: +49 331 977-1067
E-Mail: annekathrin.seebergeruuni-potsdampde
Sandra Zeretzke
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: A – G, W
Building 3, Room 1.06
Telefon: +49 331 977-1223
E-Mail: sandra.zeretzkeuuni-potsdampde
Enrico Kunze
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: H – Li
Building 3, Room 1.06
Telefon: +49 331 977-1540
E-Mail: enrico.kunzeuuni-potsdampde
Stefanie Amling
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: Lo – R
Building 3, Room 1.02
Telefon: +49 331 977-106 610
E-Mail: stefanie.amlinguuni-potsdampde
Laura-Marie Radke (currently not in service)
Human Resources Administrator for technical and administrative Personnel (Employees) - Area of Responsibility: S - U, W - Z
Building 3, Room 1.02
Telefon: +49 331 977-153014
E-Mail: d3-sekuuni-potsdampde
Kerstin Mohr
Absence clerk, in particular advice on sickness and vacation matters and company integration management (BEM)
Building 3, Room 1.16
Telefon: +49 331 977-1547
E-Mail: kerstin.mohruuni-potsdampde
Christien Kelm
Absence clerk, in particular advice on sickness and vacation matters and company integration management (BEM)
Building 3, Room 1.16
Telefon: +49 331 977-155 302
E-Mail: christien.kelmuuni-potsdampde
Jeniffer Sabisch
Absence clerk, in particular advice on sickness and vacation matters and company integration management (BEM)
Building 3, Room 1.16
Telefon: +49 331 977-113 112
E-Mail: jeniffer.sabischuuni-potsdampde
Ida Henkel
Trainee office management assistant - D3 Assistance
Building 3, Room 1.09
Telefon: +49 331 977-155350
E-Mail: ida.henkeluuni-potsdampde