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Awards and Rankings

Logo Vielfalt gestalten Diversity-Audit des Stifterverbandes Zertifikat 2023
Picture: Stifterverband

Diversity Audit "Shaping Diversity" - Certificate 2023

The University of Potsdam has successfully completed the diversity audit "Shaping Diversity" and received the certificate of the same name from the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft. It confirms that it sees the diversity of its students and employees as an opportunity and has found ways to use this potential for the development of the university.  The certificate is valid for three years. To date, 59 universities have already successfully participated in the Stifterverband's Diversity Audit.


Logo Vielfalt gestalten Diversity-Audit des Stifterverbandes Zertifikat 2023
Picture: Stifterverband
Logo vom Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V.
Picture: Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V.


Organizations from business, science and administration as well as associations that successfully implement equal opportunities in their personnel and organizational policies are awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY rating. TOTAL E-QUALITY stands for Total Quality Management (TQM), supplemented by the gender component (Equality). The University of Potsdam received the award in 2023 for the 8th time in a row.

Logo vom Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V.
Picture: Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V.
Logo der Initiative Klischeefrei
Picture: Initiative Klischeefrei

Federal Cliché-Free Initiative

The initiative Klischeefrei (Cliché-Free) promotes career and study choices that are free of gender stereotypes. The nationwide association of partner organizations from education, politics, business, practice and science implements goal-oriented measures, networks and exchanges materials and good practice. As a partner of the initiative, the University of Potsdam pursues the goal of establishing gender-equitable study and career choices in the STEM field, e.g., with the orientation week tasteMINT or Roberta workshops.


Logo der Initiative Klischeefrei
Picture: Initiative Klischeefrei

CEWS University Ranking by Equality Aspects

The CEWS University Ranking by Equality Aspects has been compiled by the Center of Excellence Women in Science and Research (CEWS) as part of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences since 2003 and has since established itself as an integral part of the quality assurance of equality at universities. The aim of the university ranking is to present the equality successes of universities in a nationwide comparison using quantitative indicators. Every two years, changes and trends in equality at universities are thus highlighted and differentiated according to various areas (students, academic qualifications, personnel, and changes over time). In 2021, the University of Potsdam was again placed in ranking group 3 in the CEWS overall ranking of universities, with 10 out of 12 points and thus in the highest category ever achieved (together with the University of Bielefeld and the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich).

CEWS-Publication 2023 (only available in German)