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Spotkanie w Warszawie: A Student’s Perspective

Die Gruppe Studierender vor der Statue von Marie Curie in Warschau
Photo: K. Tic

This year, a long-standing tradition continued: the annual excursion to Warsaw, organized by Zessko, took place from August 31 to September 5, 2021. By registering for the excursion through Studiumplus, students from different majors could come together once again to connect with those who shared their enthusiasm about the history and culture of Poland as well as the Polish capital.

Our group, consisting of ten participants and our dedicated group leader Ms. Tic, only got to know each other personally in Warsaw, as the preceding lessons took place online. The four days in Warsaw were filled with activities that introduced us to Polish culture and especially Polish history. In addition, each of us gave presentations on the particular places we visited or on famous historical people and events. A major highlight was the POLIN Museum, which focuses on the history of Polish Jews in Warsaw and was awarded the European Museum Prize.
During a visit to the University in Warsaw with Dr. Piotr Kajak, Deputy Director of the Polonicum, we  gained insight into the Polonicum and its programs and services. Different cultures meet in Warsaw and come together at the university, in order to learn more about the Polish language and its culture. Dr. Kajak’s warm welcome and the nice conversations that followed definitely sparked the international guests’ interest in learning Polish at the University of Warsaw.

Overall, the excursion was very educational and enjoyable for us, especially because we all got along well. We particularly enjoyed the city of Warsaw due to its pleasant atmosphere and the friendliness of its people. We learned a lot about the history of Poland and Polish culture: some of us even put  our Polish language skills to the test  by interacting with locals. We recommend this excursion to all those who are enthusiastic about Poland and its history and culture. The excursion was a long-awaited change, particularly after the long-lasting online teaching!

Text: Julia Kleemayr
Contact: Karolina Tic

Originally published on 9 November 2021