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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Jasper Tjaden

Data Instead of Ideology – Social scientist Jasper Tjaden researches migration and integration

"I didn't know the University of Potsdam very well before, but it’s just beautiful here. It’s green, you have rivers and lakes on your doorstep, and …
Illustration for the project „HateLess“: A red finger is chrushing a man under a keyboard. The illustraion is from Andreas Töpfer.

Preempting Hate Speech – How the “HateLess” program helps young people free their schools from hate speech

Scrolling through the comment sections of news platforms, one sometimes wishes there was a delete button to remove all the hate mail, insults, and …
Man with two children in the kitchen.

Care – Work That Is Invisible – Sociologist Roland Verwiebe on Care Work

It is 8:30 p.m. and the children need to go to bed. An hour passes before they finally fall asleep on most days. The single mother is expecting a …
Interview with Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe. | Photo: Kaya Neutzer

"People are called upon to support each other" - Social scientist Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe on the corona pandemic

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

It might seem as if health crises such as the current corona pandemic spared no one. Yet, the existential threat posed by job loss and financial …
Picture: Karla Fritze

In the Course of Life

LifE-Longitudinal Study Records Living Conditions across Generational Borders

There is something fascinating about chronicles: Like in fast motion, you can relate to events, how conditions and relationships have changed and the …
Pic: Kerstin Littke

Caribbean Kaleidoscope

The Fascination of Moving Non-Centers

The Caribbean? Gorgeous. Who has not envisioned himself/herself lying in a hammock under palm trees at the ocean watching the sunset? Who has not …
Research Training Group WIPCAD 2013, Photo: Karla Fritze

Wicked Problems

Young academics investigate “Contested Public Administration”

Science rarely seems to be simple because it tries to explore the unexplored and to understand what has not been understood so far. The questions and …