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14th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-14)

Travel information

General information about travelling in Potsdam and Berlin

Potsdam can be easily reached from Berlin by means of public transportation within about an hour. Here you can find the public transport network of Potsdam. Here is the Berlin public transport network.
To find your way around in Potsdam and Berlin, consult www.vbb.de/en. Or you can download a timetable App for smartphones and mobile devices here. The name of the university bus stop is Campus Universität/Lindenallee (bus 605, 606, 695).


You need to buy a Potsdam AB Zone ticket (2,10 Euro for a single ticket, 4,20 Euro for a daily ticket) to use the public transportation in Potsdam to go the central city part and to the university. From Berlin, you need a Berlin ABC Zone ticket (3,40 Euro for a single ticket, 7,70 Euro for a daily ticket), which is valid for both Berlin and Potsdam. You can buy your tickets either from a ticket machine on the platform or in the bus or in the tram.

How to get from Berlin to Potsdam

Travelling from Berlin-Tegel Airport

The quickest way to get to Potsdam from Berlin-Tegel Airport is by bus and by train. Busses 109 or X9 take you to the railway station Zoologischer Garten, from which you can proceed by direct city train (S-Bahn) S7 or by regional train (Regionalexpress) RE1, travelling to Magdeburg or to Brandenburg via Potsdam. The journey will take from 60 to 80 minutes, depending upon the train you have chosen. Or bus TXL take you to the railway station Berlin Central Station, from which you can proceed direct by regional train (Regionalexpress) RE1. 

Travelling from Berlin-Schoenefeld Airport

There is a regional train connection (Regionalexpress) RB22 between Potsdam and Berlin-Schoenefeld Airport, which is leaving every hour. Travel time is about 50 minutes.

Travelling from Berlin Central Station

From Berlin Central Station you can get to Potsdam either by direct city train (S-Bahn) S7 or by regional train (Regionalexpress) RE1 to Magdeburg or to Brandenburg via Potsdam. The first option takes more time, which is about 40 minutes for the entire journey, although the city train leaves every 10 minutes. The second option can be used only two times in an hour, but it is 15 minutes quicker than the first one.

Consult www.vbb.de/en to get up-to-date information about your travelling options from Berlin to Potsdam. For information about getting from Potsdam Central Station to your hotel or to the conference venue University campus “Am Neuen Palais”, go to Accommodation.