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Lecture Series Corruption in Antiquity

The Podcast of the Lecture Series "Corruption in Antiquity" (Potsdam, summer 2022) can be found here.

Podcast Series

In the Twisted Transfer podcast series (TwiTraPod), leading scholars present different approaches, methods and facets of research on corruption throughout history. Stay tuned and be informed here and on social media as soon as a new episode is released.

Introduction to TwiTra

The first video of our series deals with the  the research project "'Twisted Transfers': Discursive Constructions of Corruption in Ancient Greece and Rome". What are the project's goals? And what are the differences between gifts and twisted gifts? These and many other questions will be answered in this short introduction.

Lecture by Ronald Kroeze

Due to the Corona pandemic, the second project workshop had to take place online. Here you can find the evening lecture by Prof Kroeze (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) as a video.

Lecture by Marta Garcia Morcillo

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Twisted Transfers Panel at ESSHC 2021

Das Twisted Transfers Projekt veranstaltete am 23.04.21 ein gemeinsames Panel auf der European Social Science Conference (ESSHC) in Leiden. Unter dem Titel "Discursive Constructions of Corruption in Ancient Rome" fand nachfolgendes Vortragsprogramm statt, das Sie hier "nachschauen" können. Die Angaben in den Klammern bezieht sich auf den jeweiligen Beginn des Vortrages im Video in Minuten.

Neville Morley (Chair)

Filippo Carlà-Uhink: “He had thoughtlessly accepted certain Gifts”: Corruption and Normative Behavior for Roman Magistrates (2.33).

Marta García Morcillo: Financial Complexity, Immoral Behaviour and the Discourse of Corruption in Roman Mentality (19.45).

Sema Karataş: Competition, Contention and Corruption: the Trial of Cn. Plancius in 54 BCE (32.50).

Christian Rollinger: Dazzling the Barbarians: Diplomatic Gifts during the High and Late Empire (48.00).

Questions and answers (1.01.41).


Lecture by Lucy Koechlin

Lecture by Lucy Koechlin (Basel): Corruption as social practice: an interpretive approach.

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Lecture by Elizabeth David-Barrett

Public Lecture by Professor Elizabeth David-Barrett (University of Sussex, Director of the Centre for the Study of Corruption): Re-thinking State Capture and its Impact on Inequality - key lecture during the fourth online workshop of the research group "Twisted Transfers" (Potsdam-Roehampton).

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Lecture by Andrew Sanchez

Public Lecture by Dr. Andrew Sanchez (Associate Professor in Social Anthropology – University of Cambridge): Systemic Criminality and Capitalism (15.12.2022).

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Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Carlà-Uhink: Korruption und Korruptionsbekämpfung in der athenischen Demokratie

Lecture by Filippo Carlà-Uhink at the University of Hamburg. CISAL Lecture Series 2022/23: New Research in the History of Ancient Law.