Funding of Knowledge and Technology Transfer (FöWiTec)

Together with UP Transfer GmbH at the University of Potsdam, a subsidiary of the university, Potsdam Transfer promotes your application-oriented research and development projects with its own internal university call for proposals for the funding of knowledge and technology transfer, in short: FöWiTec.
Innovation funding at the University of Potsdam
Since 2019, Potsdam Transfer and UP Transfer GmbH have been providing funding at the University of Potsdam to transfer scientific research into application. Up to five projects with a clear link to economic or societal needs are funded each year. To date, seventeen projects with a total funding volume of 200,000 euros have been supported. The funded projects include feasibility studies, further training and the development of innovative technologies and start-up ideas.
Winner 2022 | Faculty of Human Sciences„The awarding of the FöWiTec funding immediately brought a boost, not only financially. Everyone involved in the project benefited noticeably from the appreciation that also symbolically accompanied the award. The funding has welded us together with the knowledge of the high quality of our work.“
Application and application procedure
Professors, academic and non-academic staff and doctoral students at the University of Potsdam are eligible to apply for FöWiTec funding.
Applications are accepted online. The documents to be submitted are the project form provided by Potsdam Transfer, a project outline and a time and financing plan including a team description. The required project outline (max. 2 pages) should illustrate the project goal, the practical relevance and the transfer idea.
All applications will be evaluated by a jury consisting of four representatives of Potsdam Transfer and UP Transfer GmbH. The projects will be evaluated according to four criteria. The projects with the highest score will be funded with a maximum of 12,000 EUR. If several projects have the same number of points, the points awarded by a fifth reviewer will decide.
Only personnel, material and travel costs incurred by the University of Potsdam are eligible for funding. The requested duration should not exceed twelve months.
If a project idea is not approved, Potsdam Transfer and UP Transfer GmbH will evaluate possibilities for implementing the project elsewhere.
Assessment criteria
Degree of innovation
Marketing potential/practical relevance
Exclusion criterion: no funding from elsewhere