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Moodle access for non-UP members

No new Moodle guest accounts

As of summer semester 2023, no new Moodle guest accounts will be assigned. Instead, various alternatives exist, which are described on this page.

Necessity of accounts

Non-UP members who want to take courses at the University of Potsdam often needed access to Moodle.


  • For open courses explicitly offered outside the UP, Open.UP offers both UP accounts and self-registrants.
  • For Zessko language courses, Moodle-EFP offers both UP accounts and self-registrants.
  • For regular UP courses, there is the Auditors & Visiting Students procedure.
  • For guests of the UP (e.g. researchers from cooperations) there are UP accounts for lecturers and guests. In addition to the Service Center, many secretariats at UP can also set up guest accounts.
  • For members of German universities and research institutions Moodle.UP offers a login via the respective home institution. A list of confirmed institutions is available under Federated Login via DFN-AAI.


Why were Moodle guest accounts discontinued?

What happens to my current Moodle guest account?