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ZIM for students | Introduction

ZIM shows you when and how you can contact ZIM directly as a student of the University of Potsdam.

Contents are: the ZIM Service Center (incl. contact options and topics), the IT workstations and ZIM computer pool rooms (incl. printers for students) and the Learning & Working section.

You can find the video including subtitles here at the Media.UP site. (Video and subtitles are in German only)

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ZIM for students | Services

ZIM presents five services in this video. Introduced are: Microsoft (campus license), Citavi Team (literature management), Box.UP (shared cloud storage), OnlyOffice (collaborative documents) and Umfrage.UP (surveys and polls). (An overview of all ZIM services can be found here).

You can find the video including subtitles here at the Media.UP site. (Video and subtitles are in German only)

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