PD Dr. habil. Judith Renner
Judith Renner ist akademische Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl Politische Theorie. Sie unterrichtet fachübergreifend in den Bereichen Politische Theorie, Internationale Beziehungen sowie Politik und Regieren in Deutschland. Davor lehrte und forschte sie als Akademische Rätin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Technischen Universität München und dem Geschwister-Scholl-Institut der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Judith Renner studierte Politikwissenschaft, englische und amerikanische Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Stuttgart, der Adelaide University und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. 2011 promovierte sie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zum Dr. phil., 2022 habilitierte sie sich an der Technischen Universität München.
In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit Fragen der Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen und deren Relevanz in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Menschenrechten, Transitional Justice, Vergangenheitspolitik und globalen Normen. Ihre theoretischen Schwerpunkte liegen auf diskurstheoretischen, konstruktivistischen, historischen und soziologischen Theorien.
Judith Renner is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Before coming to Potsdam University, she worked as a Lecturer and Researcher at the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich where she received a Dr. phil. in Political Science in 2011.
Her research interests include questions of (global) human-animal relations and their relevance for International Relations, human rights, transitional justice, memory politics and global norms. Theoretically, she works with discursive, constructivist, historical and sociological approaches.
Kontakt / Contact Information:
Email: Judith.Renneruuni-potsdampde
Tel.: 03 31 - 9 77 36 20 20
Universität Potsdam
WiSo Fakultät/Professur Politische Theorie
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
Raum 1.73
Sprechstunde: Termine bitte per Email vereinbaren / Office Hours: Please write an email.
Publikationen/List of Publications
Monographs (* peer reviewed):
- Governing Animals, Governing Humans. Animal Protection and the Government of Human-Animal Relations in World Politics (EISA-OUP Voices in International Relations Book Series), Oxford: Oxford University Press (accepted for publication).*
- Discourse, Normative Change and the Quest for Reconciliation in Global Politics, Manchester: Manchester University Press (2013).*
Journal Articles (* peer reviewed):
- “Animals in International Relations: a research agenda”, in International Relations, Vol. 37, No. 3 (2023), 389-397 [together with Joana Castro Pereira].
- “Animal protection as animal welfare and anti-cruelty: a genealogical re-examination of the EU seal products ban”, in International Relations, Vol. 37, No. 3 (2023), 538-563. *
- “Trump, Brexit & ‘Post-Truth’ - how Post-Structuralist IR Theories can help us understand World Order in the 21st century”, in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2018), 315-328 [together with Alexander Spencer].
- “Normalising Knowledge? Constructivist Norm Research as Political Practice”, in European Review of International Relations, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2016), 52-62 [together with Stephan Engelkamp and Katharina Glaab].*
- “Producing the Subjects of Reconciliation: The Making of Sierra Leoneans as Victims and Perpetrators of Past Human Rights Violations”, in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 5 (2015), 1110-1128.*
- “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? A Reply to Nicole Deitelhoff and Lisbeth Zimmermann”, in World Political Science Review, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2014), 45-59 [together with Stephan Engelkamp and Katharina Glaab].
- “Office Hours: How (Critical) Norm Research Can Regain Its Voice”, in World Political Science Review, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2014), 61-89 [together with Stephan Engelkamp and Katharina Glaab].*
- “The Local Roots of the Global Politics of Reconciliation: Emergence of ‘Reconciliation’ as an Empty Signifier in the South African Transition to Democracy”, in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2014), 263-285.*
- “Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück? Eine Replik auf Nicole Deitelhoff und Lisbeth Zimmermann“, in Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2013), 103-117 [together with Stephan Engelkamp and Katharina Glaab].
- “De-Antagonising the Other: Changing Constructions of the Taliban and the Possibility of Reconciliation”, in Global Society, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2013), 475-496 [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- „’In der Sprechstunde’: Wie (kritische) Normenforschung ihre Stimme wiederfinden kann“, in Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2012), 101-129 [together with Stephan Engelkamp and Katharina Glaab].*
- “Reconciliation with Al Qaida?”, in Peace Review, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2012), 202-209 [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- „‚Versöhnung‘ als leerer Signifikant im Kontext politischer Transitionen: Eine diskurstheoretische Konzeptualisierung“, in Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 86, No.1-2 (2011), 245-270.*
- “’I’m Sorry for Apologizing’. Czech and German Apologies and their Perlocutionary Effects”, in Review of International Studies, Vol. 37, No. 4 (2011), 1579-1597.*
- “Forgiving, Healing, or Simply Forgetting? The Many Faces of ‘Reconciliation’ in Political Transitions”, in The Review of International Affairs, Vol. LXI, No. 1138-1139 (2010), 23-40.*
- “Denting a Heroic Picture. A Narrative Analysis of Collective Identity”, in Perspectives. Review of International Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2008), 5-27 [together with Michel Horelt].*
Edited Volumes and Special Issues (* peer reviewed):
- Animals in International Relations, Special Issue of International Relations Vol. 37, Issue 3 (2023) [together with Joana Castro Pereira].*
- Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations. The Importance of Being Sorry, London: Routledge (2016) [together with Christopher Daase, Stephan Engert, Michel Horelt and Renate Strassner].*
- Book Series Politische Diskurse, Baden-Baden: Nomos (since 2014) [together with Eva Herschinger and Alexander Spencer].
- Narrative Formen der Politik, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (2014) [together with Wilhelm Hofmann and Katja Teich].
- Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2014) [together with Eva Herschinger].
- Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility or Absurdity?, London: Routledge (2012) [together with Alexander Spencer].*
Book Chapters (* peer reviewed):
- „Discourse“, in Jahn, Beate; Schindler, Sebastian (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (forthcoming) [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- “Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen”, in Sauer, Frank; Masala, Carlo (eds.): Handbuch Internationale Beziehungen (3. Auflage), Wiesbaden: Springer (2024), 375-399 [together with Eva Herschinger].
- “Introduction: Guilt, Apologies, and Reconciliation in International Relations”, in Daase, Christopher et.al. (eds.): The Importance of Being Sorry. Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, London: Routledge (2016), 1-28 [together with Christopher Daase and Stefan Engert].*
- “Germany – Czech Republic: Negotiating Apology”, in Daase, Christopher et.al. (eds.): The Importance of Being Sorry. Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, London: Routledge (2016), 87-105.*
- “Czech Republic – Germany: Pioneering Apology”, in Daase, Christopher et.al. (eds.): The Importance of Being Sorry. Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, London: Routledge (2016),106-126.
- “Germany – Poland: The Ritualization of Apology”, in Daase, Christopher et.al. (eds.): The Importance of Being Sorry. Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, London: Routledge (2016), 51-70.
- “Poland – Germany: Balancing Competing Narratives through Apology”, in Daase, Christopher et.al. (eds.): The Importance of Being Sorry. Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations, London: Routledge (2016), 71-86.
- “Bringing Transitional Justice to Terrorism Research. Possibilities, Pitfalls and Critical Voices”, in Tellidis, Yannis; Toros, Harmonie (eds.): Researching Terrorism, Peace and Conflict Studies, London: Routledge (2015), 64-80 [together with Alexander Spencer].
- “Reconciliation with Al Qaida?”, in Mac Ginty, Roger (ed.): Peacebuilding, London: Sage Publications (2014) [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- „Einleitung: Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen“, in Herschinger, Eva; Renner, Judith (eds.): Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2014), 9-36 [together with Eva Herschinger].
- „Versöhnung als hegemoniales Projekt in Südafrika und im Kontext internationaler Friedensmissionen“, in Herschinger, Eva; Renner, Judith (eds.): Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2104), 309-344.
- "A Discourse Theoretical Approach to Transitional Justice Ideals: 'Reconciliation' as an Empty Universal in Times of Political Transition", in Palmer, Nicole; Clark, Phil; Granville, Danielle (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Transitional Justice, Mortsel: Intersentia (2012), 51-72.*
- “Introduction: Reconciling the Seemingly Irreconcilable?”, in Renner, Judith; Spencer, Alexander (eds.) Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility or Absurdity?, London: Routledge (2012),1-24 [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- “Conclusion: The (Im)possibility of Reconciliation in Afghanistan and the ‘War on Terror’”, in Renner, Judith; Spencer, Alexander (eds.) Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility or Absurdity?, London: Routledge (2012),205-220 [together with Alexander Spencer].*
- "Happiness is only a Teardrop away: A Neo-Marxist Interpretation of Shrek", in Lacassagne, Aurélie; Nieguth, Tim; Dépelteau, François (eds.) Investigating Shrek: Power, Identity and Ideology, Basingstoke: Palgrave (2011), 59-72 [together with Andreas Kruck und Alexander Spencer].*