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News from the University of Potsdam

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Der Sabbat bietet Zeit für Ruhe und Einkehr – auch im Grünen.

Green Sabbath – How an Ancient Jewish Ritual Could Save Us from the Ecological Crisis

What if we all did absolutely nothing for one day a week? How would we feel and what would our world look like? We could rest – and as a key side …
Künstlerische Darstellung von Wasser

“Security is One of the Most Important Concerns of Society Today” – New “WaterHub” aims to facilitate the networking of research on Water water extremes

Two thirds of the Earth’s surface are covered by water. It dominates our everyday lives, even if we do not always notice it. But there is trouble if …
Prof. Birgit Schneider

Humor Sometimes Helps – Looking for New Paths in the Discussion of Climate Change

What is going wrong in climate communication? Culture and media scientist Birgit Schneider and media and science researcher Alexander Schindler …
Prof. Peter van der Beek researches the driving forces behind mountain formation

Across Mountains and Valleys – Prof. Peter van der Beek researches the driving forces behind mountain formation

Geoscientist Peter van der Beek is a specialist in thermochronology. With this method, he looks far back into the history of mountain ranges and …
Neckargmünd under water

When Heavy Rainfall Turns into Flash Floods – Hydrology research group examines the hazards of flash floods for cities

In July 2021, there were devastating floods caused by heavy rainfall with 180 deaths and immense economic damages in Rhineland-Palatine and …