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News from the University of Potsdam

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Auf dem Foto sind Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass, Technischer Leiter des Zentrums Industrie 4.0 Potsdam (links) und sein Team bei der Arbeit zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

Designing the Factory of Tomorrow – Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass, Technical Director of the Potsdam Center for Industry 4.0

Everyone is talking about digitization, Industry 4.0, the smart factory.... But what exactly is behind these buzzwords? And how can these general …
Prof. Benno Stabernack and his employee Michal Stec | Photo: Sandra Scholz

Lighting up the blind spot – Benno Stabernack develops an assistance system to prevent accidents between cars and cyclists

Prof. Dr. Benno Stabernack wants to increase road safety – including in vehicle blind spots. As a graduated electrical engineer, Stabernack therefore …
Girl in Homeschooling | Photo: AdobeStock/Halfpoint

Education in times of the pandemic – How schools and universities master digitization

The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions on public life led to a kind of forced fast-track digitization in spring 2020. This has affected …
Lasse Steffen, Marco Trippler, and Jerome Lange (f.l.t.r.) | Photo: Thomas Roese

Hoppla! Here comes Koppla! – The revolution for craft enterprises

“We want every craftsman and woman to work with our software – because it is easy to use and simplifies many processes. At the end of the day, it …
Prof. Dr. Peer Trilcke and Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians | Photo: Sandra Scholz

“The struggle for new technologies and old prestige” – talking about books, technology and the role of digital humanities in the 21st century

The humanities love the book. And the book loves the humanities. But since the digital has entered culture and science, YouTube and Netflix …
Data science can help to bring light and dark to complex processes. | Photo: Andreas Töpfer

Good News – How data science helps us to better understand the Coronavirus pandemic

The pandemic caused by the Coronavirus starting back in late 2019 still affects the lives of billions of people around the globe even half a year …
Computerlinguistik-Studentin Olha Zolotarenko | Foto: Oleg Gritsenko

“The Support Offered to International Students at the University of Potsdam Is Excellent” – Computational Linguistics Student Olha Zolotarenko Talks about Studying in the First Online Semester

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Since March 2020, everything has been somewhat different, even at the University of Potsdam. Examinations at a distance, lectures online, seminars via …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lucke. | Photo: Ernst Kaczynski

“I am enthusiastic about the open-mindedness with which digital media are being explored” – Computer scientist Ulrike Lucke on the possibilities offered by e-learning during the corona crisis

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Since mid-March educational institutions have been closed, with schoolchildren and students at home. Virtually overnight, digital learning suddenly …
„HyperBraille“ öffnet das Internet für Blinde. | Foto: Ernst Kaczynski.

Tactile web browsing – computer scientists make online services more accessible for the blind

Quickly check your email, look up the weather forecast, or get the latest news in the morning – many people use web services daily to stay informed or …
Datenassimilation findet in vielen Gebieten Anwendung – mit am längsten eingesetzt wird sie in der Meteorologie. Grafik: Andreas Töpfer.

The Best of Both Worlds - The Connection between the Weather, Amoebae, and the Human Gaze

Data is all the rage. Satellite images make the entire world available - in detail and around the clock. Humans, too, are being captured down to the …