09.01.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Ari Joshi (Uni Potsdam): Reassessing the head injuries: are depth-charge sentences semantically ambiguous?
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
22.01.2024 [Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition Kolloquium] Marc Hullebus (University of Potsdam): Context-dependent use of spectral cues in stop place perception and minimal pair word learning
12.30, Haus 14, 2.15/16
23.01.2024 [NeuroColloquium] Eniko Ladanyi (UP): REGRAMM Study 1 results
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 2.15/16
23.01.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Elisabeth Verhoeven (HU Berlin): The agent-focus form in Yucatec Maya - Disentangling sources of variation
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
30.01.2024 [NeuroColloquium] Kathleen Schneider (UP): Prosodic cue use for sentence type identification in aphasia in German (PhD Current Status)
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 2.15/16
15.04.2024 [Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition Colloquium] Natalia Gagarina (ZAS): The architecture of the bilingual developmental profiles from the first words up to early literacy: Why do politicians need knowledge on babbling and later language acquisition
12.30, Haus 14, 2.15/16
22.04.2024 [Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition Colloquium] Sharon Peperkamp (CNRS): The acquisition of phonological rules: focus on assimilation
12.30, Haus 14, 2.15/16
07.05.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Sebastian Walter (UFrankfurt): Indirect discourse as mixed quotation: Evidence from self pointing
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
14.05.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Peter R. Sutton (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (UP): Count/Mass Variation: Objects and the grammar of countability
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
14.05.2024 [Computational Linguistics Colloquium Kolloquium] Brielen Madureira (UP): Incrementally Enriching the Commong Ground
16.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.21
21.05.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Frank Sode(HU Berlin): Count/Mass Variation: On the conditional nature of V2-clauses in preference reports
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
27.05.2024 [Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition] Annika Unger (UP Potsdam): Word segmentation in bilingual infants acquiring rhythmically different languages
12.30 Golm, Haus 14, 2.15/16
30.05.2024 [Colloquium in sentence processing] Markus Bader (Frankfurt): Processing non-canonical sentences in context
16.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.35 and online (Passcode: 21344924)
04.06.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Jeanne Lecavelier (UP Potsdam): Embedded questions in Akan
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09
05.06.2024 [CL Kolloquium] Casey Kennington (Boise State University): Language Learning, Emotion, and Robots for Small LLMs
14.15 Golm, Haus 5, 1.03
10.06.2024 [Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition] Kriszta Szendrői (UCL): Acquisition of quantifier raising over an existential subject
12.30 Golm, Haus 14, 2.15/16
11.06.2024 [SynSem Kolloquium] Karlos Arregi (Chicago): Morphosyntax
14.15 Golm, Haus 14, 0.09