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Evidence-based practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in Speech-and-Language-Therapy integrates the individual values and preferences of the patient, the clinical expertise of the Speech-and-Language-Therapist with the best available research evidence bearing on whether and why a treatment works. Developing evidence-based approaches further and imparting an evidence-based thinking is a central goal of all our projects. EBP concepts help to facilitate clinical decision making in Speech-and-Language-Therapy in several ways and they contribute to improving the quality of clinical decisions in rehabilitation.

A special focus of our projects is on client-oriented approaches, e.g. combining realistic treatment goals tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of a particular client with research-based theoretical knowledge about the relevant language processing mechanisms. Client-oriented aspects are reflected, among other things, in the use of individualised treatment materials and in the selection of an appropriate evidence-based treatment intervention method.

Following the cognitive-neuropsychological approach, our research on interventions in Speech-and-Language-Therapy has been taking into account the basic concepts of EBP since a very long time. In addition, to evaluate new intervention procedures, we are also interested in developing treatment designs, statistical methods and methods for evaluation of treatment efficacy. Finally, we are particularly interested in the applicability of evidence-based procedures in everyday clinical practice settings.

The experience with research-based assessments and treatment procedures, which has emerged since the foundation of the study program Patholinguistics at the University of Potsdam, is also being incorporated in teaching and practical training of our Speech-and-Language-Therapy students. Students gain knowledge about EBP not only in theory but also in practice as they learn from the very beginning on to apply and develop intervention procedures on the basis of available evidence.

Outcome and contributions

Menze, C. & Stadie, N. (2022). Evidenzbasierte Praxis: Handlungskompetenzen im externen Praktikum des BSc Patholinguistik. In: S. Tan, S. Düring, A. Wilde,  H. Wunderlich & T. Fritzsche (Hrsg.) Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 15. Schwerpunktthema: Interdisziplinär behandeln – Multiprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit in der Sprachtherapie, Potsdam: Universitätsverlag. pp. 151-155. 

Stadie, N. (2016). Evidenz im sprachtherapeutischen Alltag: Methodisches VorgehenIn: M. Grohnfeldt (Hg.) Kompendium der akademischen Sprachtherapie und Logopädie, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. pp. 31-47.

Butler, R., Frank, L., & Stadie, N. (2015). Studium trifft Praxis! Evidenzbasiertes Handeln bei der Therapie erworbener Sprachstörungen im externen Praktikum. Posterpräsentation, 9. Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik, Potsdam, Deutschland.

Schröder, A. & Stadie, N. (2011). Tools for implementing research-oriented single subject designs into every-day clinical settings. Posterpräsentation Science of Aphasia Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 2011.

Stadie, N. & Schröder, A. (2011). Forschungsbasiertes Vorgehen im klinischen Alltag: Werkzeuge für die Planung, Durchführung und Evaluation von Sprachtherapie. Posterpräsentation Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB), Konstanz, Deutschland, November 2011.

Stadie, N., & Schröder, A. (2009). Kognitiv orientierte Sprachtherapie. Methoden, Material und Evaluation bei Aphasie, Dyslexie und Dysgraphie. München: Elsevier Urban und Fischer.

Weitere Beiträge finden sich bei den Projekten: Aphasie, Lexikalische Verarbeitung und semantisches Wissen sowie Satzverarbeitung.