DeLFI theme maps
Different mechanism of community analysis can help to reflect critically the ongoing scientific discourse at conferences and workshops or journals. Beside the analysis of personal interconnections like co-authroshops and citations the content based questions are relevant.
As a sample for the analysis the e-Learning conference (DeLFI) and its workshops was used. The research was done in cooperation with the Rostocker Institut für grafische Wissensorganisation. The method of corpuslinguistic Kohonenprojection was employed. The results visualize the position in space and time of the different themes and thus allow for statements regarding the influence of partner conferences. Moreover, trends and strategic recommendations can be derived.
The annotated theme map for the averages of the DeLFI conference: The placements are a function of the frequency and closeness of the terms defined in the reference corpus used (Handbuch E-Learning von Hohenstein & Wilbers sowie das L3T-Buch von Ebner und Schön). The z-axis results consists of the analyzed proceedings.
For more information:
S. Pforte, U. Lucke: "Themengebiete der DeLFI-Tagungen und -Workshops und ihre Dynamik über die vergangenen Jahre", Proceedings DeLFI 2012, Bonn : Köllen Verlag.
- Themenlandkarten der DeLFI 2003-2011 (PDF 21,14MB)
- Themenlandkarten der DeLFI-Workshops 2005-2011 (PDF 17,88MB)
Ulrike Lucke
Campus Griebnitzsee
House 4
Room 1.17
University of Potsdam
Department of Computer Science
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam