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Current information

Placement in a higher semester

You need this placement if you want to apply for a place at the University of Potsdam and have previously studied a natural science subject.

The following documents are required:

Recognition of archievements may only be processed if a study place is assigned and accepted.

Recognition of achievements

The following documents are required:

Bachelor thesis registration

Only complete applications can be processed!

The following documents are required:

In order for the documents to be processed, please register for the examination performance "Schwerpunktpraktikum" at PULS before registering for the bachelor thesis. IMPORTANT! For the "Schwerpunktpraktikum" (focus internship) you have to register at PULS for the exam, not for the course!!!

Bitte refer to the Fachspezifischen Leitfaden für die Erstellung und Bewertung von Abschlussarbeiten! (only available in German)