Welcome to the Chair of Public Sector, Finance and Social Policy
The chair is part of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam and is headed by Prof. Dr. Rainald Borck.
September 2024: New Publication
The paper "Energy policies and pollution in two developing country cities: A quantitative model" by Rainald Borck and Peter Mulder was published in the Journal of Development Economics.
June 2024: New publication
The paper "Urban pollution: A global perspective" by Rainald Borck and Philipp Schrauth was published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
June 2024: New publication
The paper "JUE insight: Ticket to paradise? The effect of a public transport subsidy on air quality" by Niklas Gohl and Philipp Schrauth was published in the Journal of Urban Economics.
Teaching Summer Term 2024
September 2023: Disputation - Congratulation!
We congratulate Niklas Gohl-Greenaway on the successful defense of his dissertation "Essays in Public Economics", which was awarded the overall grade "Summa Cum Laude".
March 2023: Disputation - Congratulation!
We congratulate Philipp Schrauth on the successful defense of his dissertation "Agglomerations, Air Quality and Urban Transformation", which was awarded the overall grade "Summa Cum Laude".