My Workday – Between Shaking Flasks and Petri Dishes
“I love my amebae because they are more like us than you might think,” says Kirsten Sachse. Amebae are social unicellular organisms with a diameter of …
From the Lab to Industry – A visit to the innoFSPEC Transfer Lab
The Innovation Center innoFSPEC (innovative faseroptische Spektroskopie und Sensorik) was created as a joint venture of the University of Potsdam and …
“Our Goal is to Develop an Alternative to Antibiotics” – Matthias Hartlieb and his team research synthetic polymers for biomedical applications
Dr. Matthias Hartlieb has declared war on antibiotic-resistant germs and, together with his colleagues, is researching how the properties of polymers …
Diversity Provides Stability – In the Priority Program “DynaTrait”, biologists combine mathematical models, field studies, and laboratory experiments to explore how nature works
It is comfortably warm and bright in the climate chamber. At first glance, you don’t see that the numerous glass flasks filling the illuminated …
In the end, it’s the individual advantage that counts – Bacteria rely on cooperation and evolution in order to defend themselves against predatory protists
Eating and being eaten is a normal process in nature. These predator–prey dynamics help to stabilise ecosystems. It ensures that individual species do …
Understanding Tipping Points in Savannas – Ecologist Prof. Anja Linstädter Researches How Humans Affect the Development of African Savannas and Grassland
Since September 2020, Anja Linstädter has been Professor for Biodiversity Research and Systematic Botany at the University of Potsdam and Director of …